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The next day....

Mina is the first to wake up she take a bath then wake her friends up.

"Chaeyoung-ah.. Momo unnie.. Sana unnie.."

She tap their shouler lightly. Chaeyoung then open her eyes.

Chaeyoung : "Mina unnie?" (husky voice) *rubbing her eyes*

Mina : "Chaeyoung ah.. Get up.. Wake them up let's go to the cafe nearby"

Chaeyoung : "alright"

Chaeyoung then wake them up they get ready and go to the cafe. After they went to the cafe they go to the mall and have fun.

A week later.....

Teacher : "students... We have a new student here.. Alright introduce yourself."

??? : " hi my name is Seulgi, I'm a new student" *bow*

Teacher : " alright Seulgi, you may sit infront of Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung raise your hand"

Seulgi then walk to the seat infront of Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung : "hi my name is Chaeyoung"

Seulgi : "hi I'm Seulgi, nice to meet you"

Chaeyoung : " nice to meet you too"

Mina's Pov

There's a new student and I don't care. The teacher asked her to sit infront of Chae. Chae then talk to Seulgi, I feel something inside but I don't know. Am I jealous? But why?

Time skipped





Bell rings

Chaeyoung : "Mina let's go to the canteen"

Mina : "uh no I need to go somewhere"

Chaeyoung : "where?"

Mina : "you don't need to know"

Mina then go to the rooftop. She's kinda not in mood.

She look at the view then sigh. Suddenly she heard footsteps. She look behind her.

??? : "Mina unnie"

Mina : "Chaeng?"

Chaeyoung : " what are you doing here?"

Mina : "nothing"

Chaeyoung : "your face looks sad"

Mina : "uh no" *fake smile"

Chaeyoung : "if you feel sad, just come here look at the view, close your eyes spread your hands and 'fly' :)"

Mina : *kinda confused face*

Chaeyoung : "close your eyes"

Mina : *close her eyes*

Chaeyoung : "spread you hands"

Mina : *spread hands*

2 minutes later

Chaeyoung : " it's nice right?"

Mina : *giggle then nod*

Bell rings

They get back to class and continue their things.

Skipped till class dismiss

Mina and Chaeyoung go home together.. As usual..

Chaeyoung : " alright I'll go back home now, byee"

Mina : "byee"

Chaeyoung kissed Mina's cheek. Then smile. Mina's face turned red. Then Chaeyoung go.

Mina thought, what the.....

Mina then sit on the couch. She feel so bored and hungry so she decided to make feench fries but... Unfortunately no ketchup left 😂😂 so she decided to go to the minimarket nearby. She walk because it's near.

While on the way...

There's nobody on the street but suddenly Mina feel somebody closed her eyes. She try to shout but the person closed her mouth too. Then...
Mina fainted.

Mina's Pov

My head is so hurt. I open my eyes and I'm in a dark room and I don't know who tied my body on this chair.

I wanna shout but my mouth is taped.
I feel so scared... Chaeyoung ahh help me..

Suddenly a man with black clothes using mask and cap come.

Man : "hi sweetie you woke up?" *open Mina's tape*

Mina : " who are you?!! What do you want?!!"

Man : *open his mask* *smirk* " remember me?"

Mina : *shock* "you are the man that raped the girl on the street"

Man : "I am Kim, I am also the man who touched you on the bus" *smirk*

Mina : "youu... What do you want?"

Kim : "I just want to... Playy *smirk*"

Kim took Mina's phone and take a look.

Kim : "oh look at this 'Cub 🐯❤' let's call her"

Mina : "what is your motive?!!"

Kim : " playy"

Italic = Chaeyoung
Bold = Kim
Normal = Mina

"hey Mina?"

"hi cub" *smirk*

"who are you? What did you do to Mina?!"

"I just wanna.. Play with her sweetie"

"Chaeyoung!! Help me!!" *tears start to fall*


"come to XXX if you wanna see Mina"

*end call*

Kim : "let's play honey" * touch Mina's cheek*

Mina : "get off !!"

Kim : *hold Mina's chin then kiss Mina aggressively*

Mina :  " GET OFF!! " *cry*

Kim : "then.. We'll continue when your cub is here *smirk*"




Yoooooo guys!! It's been a long time!Exam is overrrrr!! Yeay holiday! While holiday I have nothing to do at home and I'll try my best to update faster okay? And sorry for the bad grammar cause in my country English is not the main language :)

And I'm sorry, usually I'll add some photos at the end I tried but the pictures don't want to load so sorryy guys.

Thank you for reading this part please wait for the next part!

Thankyouuu :3💙


Cold ✔  |  MICHAENG 🐧🐯❤ [Mina x Chaeyoung]Where stories live. Discover now