My Hot Neighbor

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My eyes snaps open by the sound of the bell ringing loud in my ears. I groan before rubbing my eyes. I look around the classroom and everybody is collecting their stuff and ready to go home.

'Finally Friday' I think to myself as I put my notepad and book in my bagpack.

“Hey Ashton” I turn around when I hear my name from the other side of the hallway.

Jacob is coming towards me with a big grin on his face.

“What’s up?”

“Hey man you’re not gonna believe this!” he claps his hands together as he lean closer “Lindsay is throwing a party tonight, ah it’s gonna be awesome!”

I grin “Okay man, see you there” I bump my fist against his before I head out of Westbridge High. I've always hated this school and can’t wait until high school actually going to be over, in three months only.

The walk home is about six minutes so there is no need to drive. I pass the abandoned playground before I turn right when I reach the end of the path. Here I live, in a seven-stored building with my mom only. I didn’t complain though this place is really sweet, besides I have lived here my entire life so I kind of belong here.

There is a huge truck blocking the entrance door. I look around for another way around to enter the building but it seems pretty impossible.

“Hey son, am I blocking your way?” a middle aged man looks at me with a smile.

“Yes sir do you mind moving your truck out of the buildings door?”

“We just moved here” he says before he starts the truck and backs away from the way.

I enter the building feeling really tired. The elevator door slid open and an unknown girl walks out of it. She has sandy blond hair and green eyes. Her face is kind of round and she is a bit chubby but not ugly though.

She smiles at me and I nod before I step in to the elevator before I press the button with a ‘7’ on”

“Mom?” I call out when I enter the apartment. She appears out of the kitchen

“What’s wrong sweetie?” she asks concern plastered on her face

“Are we having new neighbors?” I ask her not sure if had been daydreaming or not

“We are?”

“I don’t know I saw a truck down there and the man said something about they just moved here or something” I run a hand through my hair before I slip my shoes off and went to my room.

“Ashton dinner is ready” my mom calls out from the kitchen and I move away from my laptop, feeling so hungry I could swallow a cow.

Dinner is settled on the kitchen table as promised. I grin excitedly when I see the pie in the oven. I love my mom’s apple pie more than anything.

“Don’t you stare at that pie like that, it’s for our new neighbors” she squeal clapping her hands together excitedly.

I take a seat and grab my fork “What?” I glare at her “Are you gonna give them the whole pie? Why would do that?” I eat my food as I glare at her

She smiles ignoring my questions “Eat up we have to go and visit them” she says as she begin to chew on her own food. I roll my eyes


“Mom this is stupid, why do I have to come with you?” I plead to convince her to let me go.

She doesn’t get any chance to reply before the Jonson’s door flies open. The girl with the sandy hair stands in the doorway looking at us with a shy smile

“Dad!” she calls over her shoulders and the man I saw downstairs with the truck appears in the dark hallway.

“Hello there we are your neighbors from the seventh floor” My mom greets and I can feel the shame heat up on my face. This is so embarrassing.

“Hey there, welcome in neighbors!” the man gesture for us to come in. I roll my eyes before I follow them in to their living room.

”We brought apple pie with us” My mom says and I couldn’t be any more embarrassed.

“Ah thanks” the man receive the delicious apple pie from mom and leave it on the table.

“I am Bob by the way” he says pointing at himself “And this is my lovely daughter Sandy”

“Sandy?” I blurt out without thinking “I mean wow that name looks good on you with your sandy hair and all” My eyes widen as I face palm myself mentally.

She reaches for her hair and blush “Thanks”

Great now I look like I am hitting on the chubby girl.

“Any way” my mom says looking away from me slowly with a smug look on her face “I am Linda and this is my son Ashton” I wave at them awkwardly.

What the hell is my problem? I only did that because she really looked like a Sandy, and I am that awesome that guessed it right. I mentally slap myself. Man this isn’t how you are cool, act cool now

“Mom I have to go” I say as I rise up from the couch.

“Where to?” she ask and wow once again she embarrass me

“Lindsay is having a party and everybody at school is gonna be there” I say not really needing to lie; I can do whatever I want.

“Why don’t you bring Sandy with you?” my mom suggest and that is when I want to blow my head off for real “That way she can get some new friends” she nod and wink at me smugly. She didn’t actually just do that?

“Um” I rub my neck awkwardly before I give my mom a death glare when no one noticed.

“That’s okay” Sandy interrupt our staring contest “I am kind of tired anyway”

“Cool” I say before I wave them bye and leave.

*Sandy’s P.O.V*

He left…

 I couldn’t help to feel a little bit disappointed. He I so hot! I can’t believe that I actually have this hot neighbor living a floor above mine.

“So what school will you attend Sandy?” Ashton’s mom asks me with a smile spread crossed her face.

“Oh there is a school really nearby, Westbridge high” I say while putting a slice of the apple pie on my plate.

“There goes my son as well” 

I choked on the pie going down my throat “Ashton? Really is he a senior as well?” God please say yes, please, please

“Yes he is a senior”

I couldn’t help but grin at that awesome news. I would go to the same school as my hot neighbor.


A new story, this one is kind of true. Not all of it but the plot, the neighbor idea and all. Most of it is changed but I got inspired from my life in reality. So I guess it is a bit personal

Enjoy, comment and vote.

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