Chapter 2- My life is a big joke

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Hey guys I am so sorry for holding you this long! I just don’t have any time for writing anymore. I am busy with school, work and also the stress before college and all. I hope that you all understand!

Well here you got chapter 2, I hope you like it. Enjoy!

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My Hot Neighbor



*Sandy’s P.O.V*         

He left…

 I couldn’t help to feel a little bit disappointed. He is so hot! I can’t believe that I actually have this hot neighbor living a floor above mine.

“So what school will you attend Sandy?” Ashton’s mom asks me with a smile spread crossed her face.

“Oh there is a school really nearby, Westbridge high” I say while putting a slice of the apple pie on my plate.

“There goes my son as well” 

I choked on the pie going down my throat “Ashton? Really is he a senior as well?” God please say yes, please, please

“Yes he is a senior”

I couldn’t help but grin at that awesome news. I would go to the same school as my hot neighbor.


Chapter 2- My life is a big joke

I see Jacob sitting in the back of the class room. I pull my bag up on my right shoulder and walk towards my best friend.

“Hey man!” I greet him.

Jacob is cool; I know that he always will have my back no matter what. We have been best friends for 18 years. Nobody knows our secrets or the entire badass things we have done through our years. Our biggest secret would probably be that we still do have movie nights and sleepovers. We are not gay or anything, we love girls! But I don’t know with Jacob I can be myself. My biggest fear is probably if anyone could read my thoughts right now.

“Hey” he bumps his fist into mine.

The bell rings loud and math class begins. There are probably zero words for how much I hate math. I can’t understand it no matter how hard I try. Every tutor I ever have had has given up on me, because I only waste their- and my time.

“Listen up class” out teacher yells out “Today we are going learn how to derivate and we are also going to work more with logarithms. Take notes and-“  Mr Appleyard gets interrupted by the door opening and a girl walks in. I can’t see her face because she is facing the math teacher. All I can see is that see hands him a paper.

“Okay, I have got news for you” Mr Appleyard tries to get our attention again “You have a new classmate, why don’t introduce yourself” he smiles at the girl and she turns her body. I take a closer look before I can see who she is.

“Um Hi” she waves shyly “My name is Sandy Jonson, I just moved here with my dad. I was born and raised in California”

“Chubby cake” Jacob sneezes a mean remark. I chuckle slightly.

She turns her head in our direction and spots me right away.  I turn my gaze on my desk and choose to ignore her smiling at me.

*Sandy’s P.O.V.*

Damn it, why did I smile for? He probably thinks I am a creep.

“Okay Miss Jonson” The math teacher, Mr. Appleyard caught my attention away from Ashton “You can have a sit”

I look around before starting to walk over to an empty spot in the back. Time seemed to have stopped as everyone stared at my way whilst walking, what it seemed to be like the green freaking mile. Deciding to ignore all the stares I sit down awkwardly and pull out a pen and a notebook.  ¨

Thank god for having my first period in math class. Everyone I ever have known seemed to hate math but somehow I loved it. I do and have always understood it. You know how some people loves reading? They say that it helps to take your mind off things. That’s how I feel about mathematics, it’s like a game and your mind gets loose in it.

“Miss Jonson?”

I snap my head up from my notebook “Err yeah?”

Mr. Appleyard gives me a pointed look “You aren’t impressing me quite much”

I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment “I-I” I look around and everyone have their head turned around to look at me “I am sorry sir, you’re saying?” I say with my tone low.

The bell rings out loud and interrupts class “Please stay after class Miss Jonson, I want to have a word with you”

I pack my stuff and sits in my chair as the students exits the classroom one by one, leaving me alone with the teacher. I stand up from my chair and walks up to his desk.

“Yes?” I say in a quiet voice.

“Miss Jonson” he takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes “I want you to know that I am not like any teacher” he looks up at me and I give him a quizzed look.

“I demand full attention in class or I don’t want your attendance at all nor do I need it”

“I apologize for spacing out” I let my gaze move down to my shoes before he speaks again.

“As long as we are clear” he says in a more soft voice and I nod.

“Good, now shoo” he motions with his hand for me to leave.

*Ashton’s P.O.V*

“See you tomorrow man” Jacob says before disappearing down the hallway.

I shut my locker and the first thing I see is Sandy coming out from Mr. Appleyard’s classroom. She looks pretty shaken up. I can imagine him being pretty harsh to her; I mean we all knew that man as the strictest teacher of Westbridge’s history.  I knew as well what it felt like to have ‘a word’ with him since I fail all of his exams. I hesitate a long time before deciding to go over to her and make sure he didn’t scare her too much on her first day, besides if I didn’t do this and the news got to my mom, she would nag and tell me off for being bad to the neighbors daughter.  I look around the schools hallway to make sure that there isn’t anyone near before I let my steps lead me over to her locker.

“Hey Sandy, want company home?” I asked halfheartedly. Please just say no..


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