Body Shamless

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I do not like your shade of perfection
And by shade I do mean your bullshit view of vanity
About how I should wear my hair
Each strand which I grew myself
And with each one I deliver a fuck
you with a curled lip
I do not want to be a diamond in the rough
I want to be the roughest edges of a diamond
Cascading with shimmer from every flaw just to prove that the broken are still beautiful
Fuck you

There are no rules to beautiful
This is me
Naked in my imperfections
Filling the void with affirmations of a scripted hand
Painting my own definition on a blank canvas bc no one has the right to add or subtract color from from a life that they do not own
Fuck you

I'm drawing a line in the sand
Across this canvas
Through your contained idealisms of what "model shaped mold" I should have been popped out from
Not sorry
fuck you

My body.... IS

My body is stunning
My body is a ship
A ship that sailed nine months in my own emotions, god help it, and gave me the greatest reason Ive ever had for living, a son
My body is a pod that embodies a heart that has never been matched in its rawest form but keeps beating in hopes of a one day maybe kind of love
My body is the kind of strength steal is jealous of
My body is eternal sanctuary
My body is powered by a mind that has a catastrophic appetite for expression and compassion equally

This body, this mind
They have already been to battle with every part me
Like raging waters rearranging a creek bed when the sand was already beautifully rippled
And each time this body has claimed victory like it worked the hardest to say fuck you

Body shameless Where stories live. Discover now