"Which one of the guys is most likely to mess up one of their dance routines?"

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AN: So, that happened, I couldn't let this go. Just a short sweet thing. Shoutout to Nicholas Light TV, after watching his video I wrote this.

I looked at how my man was criticized like that by his fans, screaming his and Seokjin's name in some sort of sick mantra.

I felt sick to my stomach and so hurt when I saw his sad expression.

How could they? Didn't they understand how much he has suffered already for this exact reason? Don't they know how this affects him mentally? Don't they love and respect him?

After how much they have shared about their hardships and feelings, they go and do this, people who call themselves fans. I almost couldn't bare to watch this anymore, but I didn't leave. I could never leave because it was hard to watch. I have never done so when I felt like crying because of what they have to go through at times, things that the public doesn't see, know or think about.

When they were done with the interview they had a lot more to do and Namjoon had put on his mask, yet when all cameras were gone he just put in his music and wants to be alone. I felt like crying when I saw him and Seokjin separating themselves from the rest of the group and staff, needing time for themselves.

Time they shouldn't have needed to have, if those idiotic people who called themselves ARMY's didn't shout those things.

Or if those fucking interviewers wouldn't ask these ridiculous questions. They were almost always the same and almost no question was actually a good one.

It was so mentally tiring to say the same shit over and over and keep a smile and act like it's all fine. People getting your names wrong, not even learning your names, asking about other artists instead of them and their music or all talking about one song only and not go deeper into anything.

They deserve better, all of them do.

I wanted to go and hug my boyfriend and let him talk to me, but I knew him too well at this point. He still had a lot of other things to do today, I wouldn't be able to get him out of this state, I shouldn't make him talk about it or cry, because he wouldn't be able to concentrate that well anymore.

And as the leader he had to be sharp, he had to represent BTS and not think about his own feelings at times like this. It was harsh, but his harsh reality.

I however did know he needed to eat and should be pretty hungry right now, so I just took some of the snacks and put them in front of him. He looked up slightly and I just smile at him. I have always been very good at acting and pretending, just like him. And I'll act like all is fine right now in order to try and get his spirits up slightly or make him able to think about other things.

He takes out one earphone as he looks at me without getting the food, I chuckle and get some of the food and feed it to him. I give it to him with a smile.

"You need to eat well honey. You need your energy and you cannot be sick." I say while I feed him some more. He smiles slightly and his eyes show appreciation. Not just at the fact that I'm feeding him, but that I'm not asking him about what just happened or hugging him.

"I will eat." He says and I smile as I give him the snacks back and sit on the armchair in front of him and just start scrolling through my phone, also trying to think about anything else.

I look slightly to the side to see Jin staring at the wall blankly and seeing Jimin stopping resisting himself as he goes to him and tries to hug him.

Said male first shrugs him off, but when Jimin kind of whines he sighs and lets the smaller male hug him.

Jimin doesn't say much, all he says is: "You're good enough." while he keeps holding the guy close to him.

Jungkook looks emotional because he hates it when his hyungs are hurt and he is leaning against Taehyung, who also seems shaken by what just happened, not knowing what to do.

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