The Story

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There once was a great warrior in the roman empire that destroyed many armies that ever opposed his own. His strength was outstanding and his fearlessness was frightening to others around him. Many of his comrades looked up to him as if he were a superhero in great glamorously shiny armour.

This man's name was Orion, greatest warrior of the roman empire, or so we thought. One day all his glory and greatness he received had changed when a rumour had gone around town that he had betrayed the roman empire and worked as a spy and was doing his job insanely well, just,no one thought it would be him, a spy? No, that had to be completely false and had been the most absurd rumour of the century. Yet, no one actually thought this was a lie, everyone loved a little drama now and then, but Orion was unbeatable in any way, and thus they wanted to test his ability to deal with the towns drama. Orion at first couldn't believe what he was hearing. He then had weird glares be directed towards him from many of the townsfolk around town. At that moment, a hooded dishevelled man approached Orion with a twisted grin.

"The Emperor requires you in the castle... Immediately" the man said turning around and leaving in the other direction.

"Um...Ok"Orion responded confused, but thought nothing about the weirdness that had just occurred in front of him.

Orion had then arrived at the castle where the Emperor was awaiting his arrival. He entered the royal hall and noticed that the emperor had an unpleasant look on his face.

"Your Highness" Orion kneeled on the ground in front of the Emperor.

"Sir Orion, I have heard of this so called rumour around town that you area spy for a neighbouring empire, is this true?" the emperor curiously awaiting Orion's anticipated response.

"What!No! What is this monstrosity?" Orion snapped with absolute surprise.

"I do not know, Orion, you tell me."

"I'm sorry your highness, I don't know what to make of this rumour."

"Then,you will battle against the strongest gladiator in the arena as punishment."

"But, sir don't you think that it may all just be false"

"Did you question my decision?" 

"Understood,your highness." Orion looked disappointed in himself.

"This event will happen at noon tomorrow!" The Emperor yelled, declaring this disheartening event.

There was only one problem with this, the strongest gladiator in the arena was known as the Warrior of Dawn, he had the most victories out of anyone that had ever stepped foot in the gladiator cages. This gladiator's name was Axven Greeven the Warrior of Dawn, but Orion knew that this Axven guy was also accused of being a spy for another empire near by. Though, it was then proved to be false later on.Everyone in town had shunned him although he was quite tactful and successful in the roman army.

That very next day just before noon, Orion noticed who he was facing in that deadly arena and slightly panicked. Orion chatted with the opponent, about devising a plan and thus made a deal with the opposing ex roman empire soldier. Seeing that they were both the greatest soldier in the army, one after another. They both entered the arena and awaited for the horn to ring off in the distance to start the duel. The horn went off and the duel commenced, their swords clashed with a fearsome clang as if metal was slamming into to a wall of tremendous defence.

The battle continued with fearsome might until it suddenly stopped...everyone gasped..... someone assassinated the emperor during the duel. You see as Orion was using his bow and arrow, he had aimed for Axven but behind Axven was the emperor. Before Orion shot his arrow,Axven had ducked away from the arrow. This strategy that the two devised in the pit was this, to use Axven to distract the emperor in a certain way so then Orion could shoot the arrow towards the emperor. It was beautifully executed no one in the arena saw this deadly devious plan coming to settle the emperor's unfortunate fate.The whole crowd looked at them with pure shock. Orion and Axven had explained to the crowd, that they were not spies and the emperor had ruled wrong for believing this rumour so easily. Yet everyone in the crowd still looked a little unsettled. Remaining towards the crowd in pure anger the two had a few words to say after the explanation.Orion had spoken first.

"This is for the man who decided to create a rumour not just about myself but also my friend here." Orion screeched with anger and desperation and his desperation slowly took over as if his anger was false and not triumphant.

"Who is the person who falsely accused us of being spies for an alternate empire other than our own?" Axven's voice was stern and deep no change in tone, like a single note in a heavy metal song. Anger was written all over his face, at this moment he was easier to read than a simple children's book.

"I did, you foolish brats!" a strange voice in the arena arrived louder than the two in the field.

"It is I, Maxwell Creeves, second in command...Twice!" He sounded angry and jealous all at once. This toxic jealousy was hard to take and knowing the voice and who it was didn't help at all.

"Creeves?How dare you insult the roman empire with your immense idiocy!"Axven spoke with an aggressive voice trying to find where Creeves maybe in this grand Colosseum.

"Come out you stupid coward and face us with a sword in hand!" Orion yelled out as he reached for the sword on his belt. In a split second with a steady hand, he turned around swiftly with almost enough force to hear the wind come off the sword that had swung around in his hand. Somehow, he had already done it... he had killed his second in command.

" know I...wa-was behind you?" Maxwell mumbled weakly as he was slowly falling to the floor with his eyes wide open in complete and udder shock.

"It's called practice, you should have learned this by now you foolish coward. Spreading rumours to get to be the best will get you nowhere.Practice makes perfect as they say." Orion said trying to lecture Maxwell in his last moments with his final dying breaths.

"Also you deserved this!" Axven comes up behind Orion exclaiming,spitting on Maxwell.

Both Orion and Axven left the death arena feeling triumphant in their endeavour to damage the empire and escape the person who was bounding them in chains with a silly rumour that should have never occurred in the first place. The next day, Orion and Axven had helped the next emperor take charge and they both were back to being the first in command of the roman empire's army and they dominated. Orion was dubbed the Warrior of Dawn for his bravery of facing evil and Axven had been dubbed the Warrior of Dusk due to his amazing night vision on the battlefield. Not too long after these triumphant occurrences,Orion and Axven went on a vacation and left the empire. Soon after they weren't in command of a large army, the roman empire had fallen.That story is for another time though. 

The Warrior of Dawn: Alternate story of OrionWhere stories live. Discover now