Chapter 2 - The Venture

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Gisa wasn't there when Sink brought up the interrogator. But she did hear the gasps. She was next to Eli's bed when it happened but she couldn't go. Not when he still needed her. A moment after the loud gasps, Eli's eye's fluttered open weakly.

    "Go" he croaked "Tell me what happened later. Besides, all I can do now is rest, no more treatment is gonna do me any good." Eli closed his eyes and Gisa reluctantly rose from beside him and left, quietly closing the door behind her. She quietly strode through the rickety old house marveling at how it had not already been bought and replaced by apartments or parking space. As soon as she set foot in the dining room though, she froze.

    "What is she doing here?!" Gisa exclaimed.

    "Relax," Sink said, looking much more comfortable next to the magte than Gisa would've thought possible, "She is still cuffed and either way she's safe now"

    "Safe!? Hardly! She's a magte! Those - Those things are as loyal and mindless as ants! Besides," Gisa now spoke directly to the magte, "do you even realize what you did to Eli?" The magte gave an amused smile.

    "I didn't do anything but ask some simple questions. Also it was just some sedatives." She explained

    "Bullshit," replied Gisa, "you did more than ask questions and god knows those weren't sedatives. Real sedatives would've worn off hours ago. You did some of your magte nonsense and now he won't get better! Plus I don't even begin to comprehend what he's sick with!"

    "Nothing. He isn't sick at all. I just made him feel like he's sick. I could cure him if you took these cuffs off" The magte suggested.

    "Ok. Wait. Hold up." Red interjected, "Now you're just trying to get free so you can use your powers on us"

    "Yeah," agreed Sampson, "Your being pretty transparent cause even an idiot like Red could tell what you wanted."

    "Fuck you" Red said, promptly directing a middle finger at Sampson.

    "And you too" retorted Sampson.

    "Shut it you two" Sinker snapped, "I told you Lena is safe."

    "No," replied Gisa, "she's not. And since when are we on a first name basis? Lena? That's like naming a bee Jeremy or or-"

    "A dog Fido," Sampson supplied.

    "Or a person Gisa," Sink finished, "Now do you want Eli to get better or not because personally I couldn't care less. I've already done you enough favors!" Lena was still standing near Sinker, quietly watching the conversation as intently as one watches the disarming of a nuclear bomb. One wrong move and it was all over for her. Gisa looked at her more closely. She did seem different from the other magte. More alert, more alive, and certainly more talkative.

    "Fine," Gisa relented, "but I still don't trust her. If she even tries her power on us..."

    "She won't" Sink insisted. "Right?"

    "No, I promise I won't unless I'm asked to. I'm a great therapist." Lena said, wearing an amused smile. Sink pressed a few buttons on Lena's cuffs and they popped off. Gisa held her breath, expecting the magte to suddenly bust out in some insane display of power but all Lena did was crack her knuckles and say:

    "Now, where is the boy?"

 *~* *~* *~* *~* *~*

Gisa led the way to Eli's room. Lena followed and behind her followed Sinker, Red and Sampson. When they got to the room, Gisa opened the door and Eli turned his head to face the group.

    "What is she doing here?" Eli asked

    "She's here to help." answered Sinker. Lena stretched her hand towards Eli and closed here eyes. She opened them a second later, set down her arm and said.


    "That's it?" questioned Gisa

    "That's it." confirmed Lena, nodding her head. Gisa turned to Eli, who started to get out of the bed. Gisa rushed towards him.

    "Wow that actually worked! You're ok!" exclaimed Gisa, practically crushing Eli in a hug. She then turned to Lena. "Fuck you for doing this to him and thank you, I'm sorry for doubting you"

    "I would've doubted me too if I were you" replied Lena simply.

    "Could I get a second to change and we meet up in the dining room?" asked Eli. "I've been in this for a couple of days and it's really crowded in here."

    "Sure" replied Sampson, leading everyone out of the room. Gisa went with them but went back after in anticipation. She was about to open Eli's door when she suddenly heard something.

    "Yes my queen, she is here and she has been turned." A pause and then. "No my queen, they do not suspect me. Soon your plan will come to fruition and you shall rule eternally" 

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