Why I Hate Scorpius Malfoy

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I'm Lily Luna Potter. And I hate Scorpius Malfoy.

Like, for real, dude! We get it you're on the winning Quidditch team. So am I! You don't see my bragging about it.

And, what do you mean, no girl likes you? Have you seen Rose Weasley?

Now that we're at Rose, why did you ask her to the Yule Ball when you knew a friend of mine was dying to go with you?

I had to skip on my date with Lysander, (the man obviously hotter than you) to comfort her. Ice cream and Netflix, dude.

And why did you cheat on Rose with another cousin of mine, Dominique? Do you have something against my family, cause you seem to want to break it apart!

So, don't try to say sorry for when you 'accidentally' touched my butt during Quidditch practice. You're just a manwhore. 

That kiss in the Quidditch World Cup meant nothing! You were talking your head off, so i kissed you to silence you. Simple.

So, stop acting like you love me! I know you just want Rose back. So get her!

I know you hate me. I hate you too.

~Lily Luna Potter

Pet name: Lilith Lunar


When Scorpius read that, he let out a low whistle to break the sound of his broken heart.

"Low blow, Lilith Lunar,"

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