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They stayed at the fair for a lot longer than an hour.

Mason would never admit to himself how much fun he really had. Even Zoya, who initially seemed aggravated at him, managed to eventually let loose and enjoy herself.

The experience, of course, was exceptionally improved by a certain red-headed boy, who clung by Mason and made sure he was never unamused. Mason's favorite part—his dirty little secret—was when Luke curled into his chest while they rode the roller coaster. There was something about the way Luke snuggled close to him that had his body tingling in all the right places.

Wishfully thinking, he dared hope that Luke had not actually been scared, and was merely using that as an excuse to get closer to Mason. Not that the latter minded, at all.

They ate copious amounts of junk food and drank criminal quantities of carbonated drinks. It was no surprise, therefore, that they were both buzzing with hyperactivity.

By the time they reached their dorm, they were drunk, though not a single drop of alcohol had entered their bodies. Instead, they were drunk on joy and adrenaline and each other.

They stumbled inside, laughing maniacally for no apparent reason as Mason chewed on a piece of cotton candy. Luke eyed the treat hungrily, advancing Mason like a predator.

"Gimme that," he whined childishly, reaching out to grab the cloud of pink sweetness.

Mason lifted it out of reach, shaking his head stubbornly. "No, it's mine."

Luke pouted jokingly. "I bought it for you!" he exclaimed, exasperated.

"Exactly!" Mason countered. "So it's mine now. You can't ask for something back after you've already given it to someone. That's bad manners."

Luke rolled his eyes, but his shit-eating grin gave away how amusing the whole thing was to him. He watched with twinkling eyes as Mason, attempting to save his treat from Luke's grabby hands, shoved the whole thing into his mouth. Unfortunately, it was too big to fit inside, so a part of it dangled from his lips.

Maybe it was because of the dopamine coursing through his veins. Maybe it was because the lack of sleep was clouding his brain. Maybe it was because he was naturally impulsive and irrational. Or maybe it was because he couldn't help himself, not when Mason looked so cute with his mouth stuffed, cotton candy all over his lips.

Whatever the reason, Luke wasn't really in conscious control of his actions when he approached the unsuspecting boy, getting close enough that their breaths mingled. Before Mason could even begin to register their proximity, Luke leaned in a few extra centimeters, taking a bite off the excess candy that didn't fit into Mason's mouth.

Their lips brushed ever so slightly, and Mason found himself shell-shocked as he watched Luke retreat with wide eyes. Casually, he chewed on the piece of cotton candy he'd stolen, as if the whole ordeal hadn't just happened.

Mason had a much harder time pretending, for a dark crimson had already tainted his face with the warm aftertaste of embarrassment. Suddenly, he felt a lump form in his throat, leaving him unable to swallow the candy he'd foolishly shoved in his mouth. He longed to spit it out, but he still felt as though he couldn't move. Like if he did, the earth would crack open and swallow him whole.

Luke didn't seem too affected, but the absence of his usual cheeky smirk proved that he, too, was confused—possibly even alarmed. It was almost as though he, himself, didn't understand nor expect his actions.

Against himself, Mason gulped, forcing the soggy candy down his throat. He collected himself, trying his hardest to get his erratic heartbeat under control.

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