0.5 Your First Date

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"Okay.." You mumbled as Louis had just finished telling you his idea for your date. You didn't know what to think, in fact, you didn't know what to expect.

"Are you sure.." You mumbled as he nodded his head and pulled out the drug store shopping bag making your heartbeat race, It wasn't that you didn't trust him, you were beyond scared of the outcome.

"Come on love! It'll be fun!" He laughed as you sighed and finally sat down on the chair that was placed in the middle of the living room.

"Mind explaining to one on how you came up with this idea?" You asked as you watched him dump all of the items on the glass coffee table. "If you must know I found it online." He smiled as he picked up the foundation and started his work on your face.

You had to try your hardest not to laugh as he was trying to do your make up. "Louis!" You shouted as you dumped half of the bottle on your face. You could tell he was enjoying himself as he got really into it. You didn't want to ruin his fun seeing you yourself were having fun.

"Okay! I'm done!" He smiled as he looked back at you. You weren't sure what to think or even how to react. You knew Louis had seen his teenage sister do her make up time and time again. You just couldn't help but hope that his watching has taught him a lest a few things.

Handing you a mirror you bite your lip as you study the reflection. There was a hot pink eye shadow on your cheeks, the black gel eyeliner was smashed all over your eyelids. Laughing you shook your head and looked back at Louis who loud proud of himself.

"I did good, I didn't I love?" He smiled and you nodded your head and take the open foundation bottle. "Yes you did, but I can do better." You giggled as you ran after him wanting to his make up now.


It was the beginning of autumn, meaning the trees have started to change their leaf colors. The once hot air was turning cooler and cooler as the days went on. Just days ago Zayn had asked you out on your very first date and you couldn't be more excited. You had texted you early that morning tell you to meet up with him at the big open filed you guys and the boys went too not long ago.

Walking up to the filed you held onto yourself as a cold wind blew through the trees. Looking around the filed you smiled slightly as your keeps flushed thinking back to the conversation you had with Harry just days before. He had asked you what was your favorite childhood memory. You had answered him by saying it was when you and your sidings, had made huge leaf piles than jumped into them.

"Hey, love." Zayn greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. Smiling you looked up at him.

"Hey, I'm guessing Harry told you?" You laughed as he nodded his head with a smile.

"Yeah, and I hope this will be one of those dates where you remember forever.." He smiled as you shook your head laughing at him.

"How can I not. Just knowing that you spent God knows how long making these piles of leaves just so we can jump into them. Of course, I'll always remember." You laughed.

And just like you promised him, this was indeed one of those dates you could never ever forget.


For your first date, Liam had taken you to the beach. You loved the idea of having your first date at the beach. You guys did everything you could ever imagine at the cute little date.

You guys went sea shell picking, you both talked and got to know more about each other while doing that. In the end, you both sat down on your towels to see who had gathered the most pretties ones. Much to your dismay, Liam had gathered a good handful of pretty ones making me pout.

After the shell picking, you both went for a nice dip in the ocean. The water was cold but not that cold that makes you want to come right out. It was cool, cooling you both down from the hot blazing sun that was shining above you both.

You even got to make your very first sand castle! You always wanted to make one as a child but nobody ever wanted to help you. You couldn't help but blush that Liam was doing a kidish thing with you, but you thought it was sweet of him for doing so.

At the end of the day, the two of you walked down the shoreline as the sun was setting sharing a sweet kiss before going back home.


You have just recently told Niall about your strange obsessions with pandas. He couldn't help but laugh as you told him, however since you were a little girl something about that animal just amazed you.

It was now time for your first date with Niall. Little did you know he had the most perfect date planned out for the both of you.

Standing out of the gate, you turned to look at him confused. "A zoo?" You asked as he nodded his head as he paid for the tickets.

"What are we doing at a zoo?" You asked as you saw a beautiful peacock walk past you. Giggling you point it out to him as he laughed and toke your head, walking down the path he walked many times this week.

Along the way, you guys saw many of the animals the zoo had to offer. You saw the tigers, lions, hippos, elephants, polar bears, penguins, all the types of animals a zoo always has to offer.

After you both stopped for lunch, it was time for the surprise Niall has been going on and on about for the past couple of minutes as you busy walked. "Okay, remember how you told me how much you loved panda's?" He asked as you nodded your head not knowing where this was coming from.


"Well, I thought it would be a neat idea if, for our first date, I toke somewhere we both loved. I know how much you loved them so I searched for the place where I could find the zoo with the biggest Panda's expo, and here we are.." Niall smiled as you both walked up to a beautiful open area filled with tons of panda's.


"We are at a drive-in movie..." You giggled happily as you looked around at all the cars parked in from of the giant screen that would be showing a movie any second now.

"I knew how much you always wanted to go to one, so I thought why not..' He smiled as you leaned over and kissed his cheek softly.

"This is perfect Harry!" You giggled as he laughed and smiled over at you.

Harry has been nothing but sweet to you since you've both meet, and just recently he had asked you out on a date. It surprised you at how well he had everything planned out. First, you guys went to a cute little diner eat than Harry drove you guys here.

Everything about this night was perfect. He had really learned a lot about you in the short amount of time he's known you and that meant a lot to you. He was sweet caring and charming and you loved that.

"Thank you, Harry. This was perfect.." You giggled as he smiled and kissed you softly. 

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