Chapter 1~~~~~

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I stared at the blank wall in front of me. It was only yesterday that me and my friends figured out we had powers.

Firstly, me and my friends laughed as Ella pretended to make a cookie fly into her mouth and all of a sudden it actually just flew straight into her gaping mouth. I was thinking WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED. We all crowded around Ella and demanded an explanation. All she said was,' I don't know, I'm just as surprised as you guys are!'. The day went along as usual until lunch. Me and the others were done eating and went to go play tag, which I hate! We all put our feet in and counted to ten several times until only one of us was left, of course me, I mean common DUH! I chased all of them across our huge school field until I caught Yu-Xuan. We all hid. Then Yu-Xuan caught sight of Ella running from her hiding place. Yu-Xuan chased her around... But Ella was too fast! Yu-Xuan ran as fast as she possibly could and all of a sudden became a blury streak. We all thought we were imagining things, all we did was blame the sun for the intensive heat that day. We continued with our classes.

Next was Ethel. We weren't there when it happened though because she's a whole year older than us and is in a different class in our school, so she could only tell us what happened. She said," Hey guys, something weird happened to me, like with Ella and Yu-Xuan. I was just in science class and we were doing an experiment with magnesium, fire and oxygen. I was standing next to the teacher while she was lighting up the magnesium, sparks started flying everywhere, one of them got onto me but nobody noticed. It started to become a small fire and still nobody noticed since they were looking at the sparks fly. For some weird reason I didn't feel any pain and miraculously didn't even get a small burn! All I did was use my hand and pad it out!

Next was me. Today was Wednesday and we had our CCL's ( our school activity of our choice once a week). My CCL was choir with Ella. We sang and sang until finally we were given a break. Me and Ella were staring out of the window because it was rainig heavily and we were wondering how long before our parents would arrive to pick us up. The strangest thing happened, as I placed my hands on the window it seemed to go right through it! I thought I was imagining it until Ella screamed" OH MY GOD, YILI UR HAND IS GOING THROUGH THE ONE INCH WINDOW!" Her reaction terrified me and as slowly as I could, I tried to take my hand back inside the class... "PHEW", my hands miraculously came back in without injury. Me and Ella thoroughly checked my hands to see if anything had happened, like getting cut by glass, but we didn't find anything. It's as if it never happened at all! We continued our CCL as well as we possibly could because we were both panicky and excited at the same time. The excited part is because we just couldn't wait to tell the others.

Once the bell rang me and Ella was almost running as fast as yu-Xuan to our lockers on the second floor. We knew the others would be there so we rushed. When we got there Ella told the others about what happened. She said

Something like this," Guys! Something peculiar happened again! This time it was Yili!"

" What happened?!?!" Asked Ethel.

And then Ella shot off into a long story about what happened. Wow it's the exact opposite of a summary!

" and then here we are now!"

We all then agreed to call our parents to tell them to come late so that we could discuss. Apparently all our parents said the same thing," well i'm definitely not going to be early, there's this massive jam and I'm probably only going to be able to arrive at about 6-6.30 pm!" We were all pleased and happy about the downpour just now.

We met at the library that was only a short walk from our lockers. We sat at a rectangular shaped table that could sit only four people, so we grabbed another chair and placed it behind the table. Our favourite table which we were sitting at was the table that was near the giant glass wall that looked out into our rather large pool. We started our discussion about what was going on.

We started with the most stupid thing we could possibly think of...

"Hi", the most common word ever for normal people which we have found out that we are not. Kind of we since Kelly had not found out about hers yet, but not for long! Our conversation was short as we only had time to say that before... " BOOM!!!", the glass wall next to us shattered into billions of small pieces, something just flew past us from the librarian's counter! We were all screaming and after a few seconds of panic we realized that Kelly was missing. We panicked and looked out the shattered window and saw her... She was floating right above the pool! Her eyes were shut really hard as if she knew she was going to hit the ground and was bracing for impact." KELLY, KELLY!", we shouted as loud as we could through the broken window. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at us with a surprised look on her face. Then she looked down and her face of surprise quickly turned to shock, then she realized she was flying and panicked which pretty much equaled failure. She fell into the pool! We all laughed as she walked back up to the library.

Now that I think about it, it's strange that we found out about all our powers in one day.

When Kelly got back we got a bit more serious as our laughter died off. "Well that would leave nobody else here that hasn't had something weird happen to them today." I said. We thought the shock and surprises were done until the flying thing came back. It seemed to be a... "WHAT THE HECK IT'S THE LIBRARIAN!" Shouted a still drenched Kelly. The librarian was an old lady that has been in my school for years! Although it doesn't surprise me as much as I thought it would since she's always been the one to get scary rumors that the students pass around.

She turned around staring at us with these eyes that were never there before, her eyes were glowing red! She slowly morphed into a monster, a monster with long claws and a snake like tongue and on top of her head she had horns like a devil. She started to walk then jog then run towards us! We scattered and ran all over the library, luckily it was really late so there weren't any students left in the pool or the library. She chose to follow Kelly, the drenched girl that had wet heavy clothes that slowed her down since they were so heavy, technically she was dragging them along on her tall figure. The monster was fast, it caught up with Kelly and cornered her at the wall, there was a wall behind her, a shelf on each side and a scary monster in front of her.

She was doomed unless a miracle happened, which it did. Strangely enough a teacher walked into the library, it was the dreaded teacher that was known as nightingale by me and the others and is not to be known by any other names. She walked in and saw Kelly and the rest of us staring at the monster. We were too shocked to say anything as she calmly put her laptop down on the librarian'a table. She then turned her sights on Kelly and the monster and drew out a sword that wasn't there a second ago, still no shock since loads of weird things had happened that day.

She easily sliced the monster in two and it dissolved into shiny golden dust that looked exactly like glitter, but it was made of monster. She then took out five different shaped little vials that had a shape of what seemed to be like the weird things that happened to us today. She took each one at a time and filled it up to the brim with the glittery substance. She handed one to each of us after attaching a small silver chain to each varying from short to long. I obviously got the shortest one since I was the smallest.

Nightingale gave Ella hers first, hers was just a regular vial that had a magical ball floating in the middle. Then it was yu-xuan's turn, she got a ball shaped vial that had a small ball spinning around the vial faster than humanly thought possible. Next if was Kelly's turn, she got a vial that was shaped like a pair of eagles wings. Next was Ethel, she got a vial in the shape of a big burning flame. Finally it was my turn, creepily she turned to me and gave me a vial shaped like a bird that looked vaguely familiar... OH YEAH IT WAS FROM A HOTEL CHAIR THAT I ONCE SAW! Ya...

The nightingale stared at us and told us to keep them safe and that all will be revealed on Friday, after school.

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