The great escape

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Dusk soon arrived and the two kittens were shivering with excitement. They were finally going to escape they're small boring life cooped up under that "house." Soon enough it was dark enough for them to escape. It was hard to think about leaving mother and their litter-mates. A lump rose up in my throat I swallowed it down. This was my chance. I was NOT going to turn this amazing opportunity down. Juniper saw me thinking. She had tears in her eyes. It was time to go. "Goodbye mother..." I whispered under my breath. She stirred but nothing more. We slid out from under the "house." The night sky was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We gazed up at the sky then looked at each other. I took the lead and our adventure had now started.

I heard a weird noise coming from a "house" it sounded like it was coming from outside. I wanted to go investigate. Juniper and I advanced on the back of the "house" and looked through the wood enclosing it. There was a strange animal locked up in there. It ran up to the fence and started making loud noises. This strange animal scared us and we ran away from the strange beast. The night sky was fading away and turning different colours there was pinks, purples, oranges and blues it was amazing. The breeze started getting warmer too. It felt good. I never wanted to go back.

We walked on and on. It felt like it would never end. Just miles of "houses" I didn't like it there should be so much more to see! The grass felt good on my paws though. I could sense that juniper was getting tired. I sniffed around for a safe place to stay. There seemed to be a big hole in the bottom of a tree. I started nudging juniper towards it. She shuffled along slowly. Once we reached the den I settled down with a sigh and juniper and I watched as day turned into night. It was beautiful to watch.

I woke up to juniper nudging me. "what is it?" I asked. She mewed at me. I understood. She wanted food. As soon as I thought of food my tummy grumbled. I was hungry too. We set out once again searching for food. We came across what seemed like a pack of stray cats. We approached. Juniper seemed scared I tried to comfort her but it wouldn't work. She dashed away and I had no choice but to run after her. She ran out onto the thunder path and narrowly missed being eaten by a monster. I halted and waited for the monster to go then ran after my sister. Juniper soon stopped running. Panting I fell over beside her and looked at her shocked and hungry.

Soon enough we stopped in front of a house and sat on the porch meowing hoping someone would come out and feed us. Eventually someone did come out but instead of feeding us they chased us away with a broom. My tail drooped and I collapsed under the sheltering branch of a tree. I then fell into an uneasy sleep filled with nightmares of strange beasts, monsters, and brooms. I then started to miss the comforting protection of my mother and the small dark safe place under the house...I missed it all and I wanted to go back.

(YEET that's 586 words!!! Yay!) hope your excited for the next chapter!

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