Chapter 13

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Sadly Sonic Underground has no other canon humans so I'm having to improvise. Dr Light is an homage to the Dr Light who guest starred in the Sonic Archie Comic. This is NOT a MegaMan crossover but since Nintendo owns Sega imagine that all of their properties are basically their own worlds within the grand Nintendoverse.

Chapter 13

Aleena sat in the doctor's office after having taken the test. Robotnik stood by her, looking around. "They call this a doctor's office? It doesn't even smell sterile."

"Well, if something had stayed sterile we wouldn't be here." She snapped. She sighed as his eyebrows went up. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm irritable."

He shrugged. "Hormones. I should not have assumed anything. I should have thought that Oracle might have done something. You're right. This is my fault."

Aleena sighed. "No, there were two of us in that bed and I could have stopped you at any time. We should have taken precautions regardless of what we thought was true. But Julian, what if I am... What does that mean for us?"

Robotnik sat down. "It means we get married and I take responsibility for you and our child. If that's what you want of course..." He corrected himself.

She looked at him. "I don't know what I want. I love you Julian. But we never discussed children or the future. If I'm pregnant then I want this baby. But we shouldn't rush into a marriage. We've been dating just over a month. Before that... well, let's admit it's complicated. How does a couple go from dating for six weeks to married?"

He nodded. "Agreed, a rushed marriage isn't the answer. The concern is society. Society will judge you. They've already judged me, they'll just assume that I have no boundaries. But they will judge you."

Aleena put a hand on his. "What if... what if we agree things stay as they are. We continue to explore our new relationship behind closed doors. We tell people only the bare minimum when they find out. What business is it of theirs? Let them draw their own conclusions."

"That plan seems to be the most agreeable. Of course, this is assuming we are correct and..." He looked up as the door opened and the gazelle came in with the test results. "And I think we are about to find out."

Doctor Leticia Scholbeck had seen much in her career in obstetrics and gynecology but she found herself out of her element slightly. "Well... it hasn't happen in a good long time. But then... the human animal is all but extinct. You, Mr Robotnik, are the only known human left in existence. Not since King Acorn's father died."

Aleena gaped. "King Acorn is... oh my... I had no idea."

Dr Scholbeck nodded. "Yes, he was the consort of the Queen, King Acorn's mother. But I just say that so you know it's been recent enough and there's no immediate cause for concern. But we will need to be very careful and monitor you closely." She looked at Robotnik.

Robotnik nodded. "Yes of course. So, the tests were positive?" He asked though he knew the answer. He wanted to hear the doctor say it.

The gazelle nodded. "Yes, she is pregnant. You're going to be a father to a hedgehog kit, well a hedgehog with very human traits such as height. Funny, I always heard Dr Robotnik hated hedgehogs."

The scientist frowned as he glanced at Aleena who gave him an encouraging smile. "Yeah, well, I hated a lot of things. Most of all myself. I had problems, I'll admit it doctor."

She nodded. "And those problems have been dealt with? Are you certain? Those feelings don't always go away so easily. There is always a chance you could revert. I suggest you take no chances and go see a friend of mine. He's an expert in psychology." She offered him a card.

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