
167 9 1

May 23, 3:00am
(Ani says fuck a lot in this chapter & smokes & is just being a mad lad, but overall this chapter is fucking boring & mushy & cliché & I hate it)

FridayMay 23, 3:00am 2011(Ani says fuck a lot in this chapter & smokes & is just being a mad lad, but overall this chapter is fucking boring & mushy & cliché & I hate it)

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Ani blinked several times, her eyes were dry.
It was bothering the shit out of her.
Most things were.
All her friends were convinced she snitched.
So she'd been eating lunch alone.
It's been a bloody week.
What more convincing is there?!
Boys are stupid.
The smaller girl rubbed her eyes with a bit more force,
They were so fucking dry.
The rain hitting her window was getting repetitive, just like the random sitcom playing on her small tv.
Well I mean just because they weren't hang out didn't mean she couldn't skate.
There's no chance they'd be at the skatepark.
She knew that because it's fucking stupid to skate in the rain.
She did care at the moment but whatever.
Ani got off her bed and grabbed her board and stuffed what she could in her backpack.
She quietly opened her window and shined her phone light on the ground below,
She'd done this multiple times.
Come on Ani.
Okay she was definitely bleeding but that never stopped anyone.

A mix of sweat and rainwater dripped down Ani's forehead, she sighed, she walked over to a nearby bench and slumped down on it. She'd been out here for what felt like hours. Her once dry clothes and hair were soaked along with her mood if it was possible to get more shitty.
Suddenly the rain stopped?
Just in her head?
She looked behind her and there's Henry with a fucking umbrella and his smirk that makes you want to fucking smack him and make out with him, it's very confusing.
are you kidding me?

"Hi? What are you doin 'ere?" Ani asked and bit her nail,
No one was with him.

Henry shrugged and sat down next to her,
"Could ask you the same thing." He retorted

I wanna kiss him.

"Mm well I was just skatin." She sighed, she placed her chin in the palms of her hands.

I wanna really bad.

"In the rain?"

Ani just simply nodded and grabbed her backpack and board
"I should go."

This is cliché

"Did you actually snitch?" Henry asked, Ani was almost to the exit, she turned to face him

"Do you honestly think I'd snitch?"She asked, and walked back over to him.
She started at this facial features, why'd they just start looking pretty,
When did this happen?
What is happening??
He took her hand.
His hand was soft.
But before she knew it, her feet were moving on their own and the words were out of her mouth

"I should go.." but it was different then the first time she said it, it was more unsure. She didn't want to go but, something inside her told her that this was a horrible idea.

Ani was back laying on her bed,
With dry eyes
Rain softly hitting the window
She held her arms up
She gently interlaced her fingers just the way Henry did
Her cheeks turned hot

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