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In which Forth decided to visit Beam at his workplace to have a lunch together, but Forth might attract people's attention a bit too much for Beam's liking. And Forth was too oblivious to notice.

Present time

Forth blasts his bike towards a well known hospital. Once he arrived, he parked his bike and took of his helmet before he stepped off the bike. From afar, he could see Beam was sitting at one of the table at the hospital's cafe while looking at his phone wordlessly. His dark brown bangs slightly covered his eyebrows, framing his face so perfectly.

Forth didn't bother to take off his black leather jacket he pulled on previously to hide his wet white shirt when he pulled out his bike's key from the key slot and strode his way towards the guy in white coat. He just took a shower at his office, only bothered to dry his hair just to not catch a cold. Beam hated it when Forth got sick.

"Hey," Forth greeted, a smile decorating his lips as he watched how Beam looked up at him from his smart phone.

Beam replied back with the same smile that had Forth falling for years ago, back when they were still studying in their university. Those lips that were slightly tinted red curved into the sweetest smile Forth had ever seen.

"Hey," Beam greeted back softly, Forth swore he saw Beam's eyes for some reason sparkling.

"Had a lunch yet?" Forth asked as he took a seat on the opposite of Beam, reaching for the doctor's left hand with his right hand.

He softly rubbed the back of Beam's palm as he looked straight into Beam's eyes, waiting for the answer. Beam shook his head softly and said, "I was waiting for you to have lunch together."

Forth frowned slightly. Then he was thankful to god that he somehow managed to have the meeting finish early and sped his way to Beam as soon as he got changed into a more casual attire. Those meetings could last hours, he might had gotten stuck in one of those earlier if not for a few all nighters he pulled off this week to work on the project slides and researches.

He could've made Beam wait for a few more hours if he did not do that.

"I told you that I might be late, you should've eaten first. You're not having a stomachache right?" Forth asked, eyes full with concern and worry.

Beam had gastric attacks a few times before, back when they were still students and when Beam was an intern in this hospital. The doctor-then, doctor to be-was skipping every meals he could like it was a competition whenever he said he was busy. He fainted multiple times to because the lack of nutrition in his body, or the inconsistent meal times. And those times made Forth felt miserable to see Beam in pain, but could do nothing to help lessening it.

Beam shook his head. He smiled thinly and said softly, "But you are not late. And it's been awhile since we have lunch together..."

Forth closed his eyes and counted from zero to five. Because although Beam was not pouting like he would usually do to coax Forth when they were in their private space like in their house, and he was acting quite normal to other people's eyes, Beam's tone said otherwise.

Forth opened his eyes back and looked straight at Beam again, after composing himself to not kiss Beam out in public because Beam did not like earning stranger's attention. Moreover, let those people see how lucky he was to be with Forth.

It was one of the rules Beam set up after his jealous outbursts during their university years. It was hell back then because Forth liked to show what's his. That caused them to have a big misunderstanding between the two. They almost broke up because of that.

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