Chapter 6: New classmates, and a stray

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mindscape

Your mindscape, your POV:

Another day, another training session. I was finally able to hold my ground against Giratina, even if it was obvious he was holding back.

Giratina: You're doing great, I wasn't expecting you to harness my power that quickly.

"Let just say what Dialga said is still stuck in my head."

Giratina: He always was good for motivate us to always go beyond.

"About that, I wanted to ask you something..."

Giratina: What is it ?

"You said you were stuck in the distortion realm for a few millenary, right ?"

Giratina: That is correct.

"But according to Arceus, you tried to destroy that dimension several Billions years ago..."

"Does that mean you got imprisoned here because of something else ?"

He seemed extremely uncomfortable with that question, and looked away.

Giratina's mind:

 Giratina's mind:

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Giratina: It's... A rather complicated story...

"I have time."

Giratina: Ummmmm... OhheywouldyoulookatthetimeyouneedtowakeupandprepareforschoolI'llseeyoulateron !!

I suddenly got kicked out of my mindscape and instantly woke up in my bed, and this time, no one was here with me.

"What the hell was that ?"

Giratina: 'N...nothing, come on, you're gonna be late.'

I dressed up, and exited my house soon after.


After a rather quiet walk to school, while Giratina just refused to talk, I finally entered school grounds and made my way toward my class.

I was about about to enter the classroom, when I passed the tomato. I just prepared myself for another "please-join-my-peerage" speech, but to my surprise, as soon as she spotted me, she scurried away, much to my and Giratina's surprise.

'That was weird, almost like she was afraid of me...'

Giratina: 'So she felt it...'

'Felt what ?'

From the darkness (Highschool DxD x Reader x Pokemon)Where stories live. Discover now