The Greatest Gift

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“The greatest gift”


There was a happy family that lived in the city of San Andres. They had a cute little baby boy sleeping on his crib.

One early morning the mother and father had a visitor. The baby listened carefully on the conversation between his parents and the visitor.

He heard that his parents were very glad because of the greatest gift they received.

He saw the face of his mother and she looks very happy.

He saw his father’s face and he looks so alive.

The baby was confused.  

 “What’s that gift?”

The baby became sad because his mother and father had a new love.

One early morning when all the people in the house were still sleeping he decided to leave. The baby cried while crawling far away in his house.

The baby walked a long way and finally reached the city.

He saw a cat roaming around.

“Hey! Cat why are you at the streets? Is it because your parents do not love you?” The baby asked.

“Meow! Meow! Meow!”  The little cat responded.

“My mom and dad has a new love.

They don’t love me anyway, and they don’t love me anymore.” The unhappy baby said.”

The baby continues crawling...

 He met a dog crossing the pavements.

Hey! Dog why are you here? Is it because your parents do not love you?” The baby asked.

“Arf! Arf! Arf!” The furry dog responded.”

For the whole day they only talked about the greatest gift they received. They have a new love, they don’t love me anyway, and they don’t love me anymore.” The baby explained.”

He met a Bird.

Hey! Lovely bird why are you here? Is it because your parents do not love you?” The baby asked.

“Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!” The bird responded.”

I don’t know what’s that greatest gift is, but one thing that I know is. They have a new love, they don’t love me anyway, and they don’t love me anymore.” The baby said.”

The baby kept on crawling until he reached the park. He saw an old woman reading a newspaper.

“Hello grandma! Why are you here at the park and reading a newspaper? Is it because your parents left you?

The old lady noticed the baby. “Oh little baby why are you here? Where are your parents? I’m going to bring you to the near police station”, and she did. When the old woman and the baby arrived at the police station, they saw a young couple crying while talking to the police. The young woman said, “Please help us our baby is missing and he means the world to us please find him. The young man then hugged his wife as they turned around to go back home. On their way out from the station the young couple noticed the old woman carrying a small baby. My baby! The young woman exclaimed, as she rushed towards the old woman as her husband followed suit. They hugged the baby and told the old woman what happened. The young woman then said while clutching her baby “where have you been I was worried sick please don’t do that again as she choked with tears of joy. The young man then said “we love you so much, why did you leave?” we will never let you out of our sights again for you are the GREATEST GIFT that we have received in all our life!

Then he knew that the greatest gift that his mother and father received was him. The end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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