Chapter 1

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The warmth of the summer sun caresses your face, the soft grass beneath you tickling the bare skin of your outstretched arms. A cool breeze drifts lazily through the area, and you take a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of the sun on your skin. It warms you pleasantly and tugs at the edges of your consciousness like a shy child, lulling you into a soft sleep, half awake and completely relaxed. You feel yourself drifting closer to sleep when a soft chirrup  brings you back to your senses. 

You crack open an eye and see pale pink eyes staring back at you, soft against cream fur that seems to sparkle in the sunlight. Sylveon chirrups again and presses a small blue paw against your arm, nudging it in an attempt to get you to get up. You oblige and sit up with a grunt, reluctant to leave the sunny spot you'd found no too far from the airport. Right, the airport. You'd need to get over there soon if you didn't want to miss your flight. You stand up and fetch your bags from beside you, and Sylveon bounces impatiently, chirruping and whistling as you dust stray grass off your back. You give an amused chuckle when Sylveon hits you with his ribbons, urging you to go on and move it. 

You've decided to take a trip. A vacation, actually, to a little cluster of tropical islands called Alola. It's been a few years since your last vacation; being champion of Kalos left you busier than expected, and you managed to carve out a couple of weeks to fly over to Alola and take some well-deserved rest and relaxation. You chose to take your whole team, Sylveon, Noivern, Torkoal, Lucario, Meostic, and Ariados, realizing that they deserve a vacation just as much as you. Also, you wanted them to see Alola along with you, and maybe meet potential new teammates (if you encounter any.)

You shake yourself out of your thoughts when you enter the chilly airport, suppressing a shiver as you glance around for a map. It takes about half an hour and a lot of speed walking, but you eventually find where to leave your bags and your terminal, where you collapse upon one of the uncomfortable airport chairs with a groan. Sylveon gives an amused whistle and hops up next to you, batting lazily at your hair before trying to eat one of the strands.

"Really bud?" You pull your head away and Sylveon follows, chasing your loose gunmetal grey hair with the determination of a killer. "Come on Sylveon, that's not food!" You scoot away from Sylveon's onslaught and yelp when you fall off the seat, hitting the floor with a dull *thump.* 

You glare up at the chirruping Pokemon and huff. "Now look at what you did. God, I'm gonna be sore all day because of you."

 You hear a few snickers and glance to your left, where a couple of kids are giggling at your one-sided conversation with Sylveon. You roll your eyes and rise to your feet, dusting off your jeans and giving Sylveon a small swat on the nose. "We've been over this Bud. No eating my hair."

Sylveon gives you a wide stare and chirrups, nuzzling into your open palm, and obvious beg for pets. You sigh and run a hand over Sylveon's smooth cream fur, scratching behind his ears and earning a pleased whistle in response. While you're petting Sylveon you hear a familiar voice, and the rush of footfalls rapidly approaching.

"Hey, Elliot!" 

You turn to face your friend, a smile playing at your lips when you see his shock of white hair bobbing over the small crowds in the terminal. Jack pushes through the crowd, Houndoom at his side, beaming and waving wildly at you, and you raise a tentative wave back. His smile grows larger, somehow, and he stops a few paces from you, breathless. 

"Heya man! Didn't think you'd be flying today," he says.

You shake your head at your childhood friend and rival, unable to keep a straight persona up with him around. "Yeah, I wanted to leave asap, and the closest flight was today, so.." You trail off, glancing down the the bag at Jack's feet. "You're coming too?"

He shakes his head, wild snowy curls bouncing with the movement. "Nah, I've got a flight to Unova, but the terminals are pretty close and I saw you. Thought you might appreciate a familiar face before you leave us behind for a few weeks." 

You raise an eyebrow. "Unova?"

"Yeah! Toni is sending me out to get some shots of the various terrain and maybe get some insight into the local legends and stuff. For her book and all that." He waves a dismissive hand with a huff. "I swear, that woman can't be arsed to get another photographer out there. She's been working me to the bone, I've hardly had time to see you or really anyone around. At least I've got Drought with me, even if they aren't good for conversation." 

The Houndoom at his side gives a small ruff, and Jack gives them a few pats to the head.  You shrug and open your mouth to offer your condolences, but the words die in your throat when the intercom comes on and announces that your flight is boarding. 

"Oh, that's me," your voice comes out quiet, apologetic even, as you grab your bag and pull out Sylveon's Pokeball. "I'll be seeing you in a few weeks, okay?"

He nods. "Don't be a stranger, Elliot."

You snort, fully intending to send him a letter or two over your vacation. "Don't get yourself eaten out there!" You tap the ball to Sylveon's forehead and it opens, enveloping him in a red light. The moment he's in his ball you clip it to your belt and walk to the boarding area, waving to Jack as you go. 

You find your seat easily enough, right next to the window too, and you take a seat, your bag resting in your lap. As you pick up an informational packet on Alola and thumb through it, you wonder what you'll encounter during your trip, be it people, Pokemon, or otherwise. 


A/N: What's up? Glad to see you've decided to read my shameless self insert fic. Before you get up in a tizzy about the coloration of Sylveon here, he's a shiny Sylveon. For future reference, I've decided Guzma is a raging bisexual disaster and our main character (Elliot) is gay through and through. Ah, also! This is a kind of 'Treat Y'self' story, so don't expect it to be taken too seriously haha. Also, at the time of writing this note, (May 23rd) a cover has not been made yet, so expect that to come up in later updates. 

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