New Academy

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I wake up to somebody tapping me. I had Paul's coat wrapped round me and my beanie over my eyes. I can hear beeping and Alex saying.

"Tessa were landing, get ready." I rub my eyes and get up.

"Hi." said Commander Kellie smiling. I try to smile back and look forward. Paul and Rapper quickly press key while Missy ask where are we.

"Were at Commander Dana old place." says Commander Kellie. "Commander Dana supports the Academy." She explains to me.

I nod and look forward again, I can see no snow and just roads with grass.

"Were landing Commander." says Rapper.

"Okay Rapper." She says as she straps  herself in."Superkids get ready."

We land onto the bumpy ground, I whines as my wound tells me it hurts.

"You okay?" I nod as we get up. I drag myself shaking my head at people not to hurt me.

"I coming Tessa." says Paul making me lean onto him.

We walk down a alley way, cans were on the floor and I can smell fresh air. We stop at a garage door, red graffti runs across it. Alex types into the keypad, this shots up.

"Well time to pray." says a Man in a blue jumper. I think that's Commander Dana. "You must be Tessa?" I nod as Commander Kellie’s father goes to us. He hugs us all like were his children, I smile.

"Well you must be Tessa, Welcome. Come in. Come in and we will sort your wound out."

I nod as they pull us in as well as Paul holds onto me, I lean into his shoulder.

Inside was just like the other Superkid Academy. All I can think about now how much it's my fault.

I sigh and stop my tears from my eyes as we go into a office I sit down. There eyes all looking at me.

"We will help out with kids." says Valerie walking  the Bluesquard out. I look at Commander Kellie as she fixes my wound.

"Tell me about yourself." says Pastor Daniel.

"Well there isn't." I mumble looking down.

"Sure there is. You came to Superkid Academy."

"Yes but only to help NME."

"You done." says Commander Kellie blocking the thoughts out of her Dad.

"You can go." says Commander Dana. "I think Paul is outside."

I get up and walk out, Paul sat on the ground. Fiddling with his com watch, and smiles at me.

"Hey, did it hurt."

"A bit, what you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

"I can find my own way a Paul." I say smiling. "Nope cause the way you are going is to the boys toilets." He smiles getting up.

"Maybe I want to."

"Funny." He chuckles walking the other way. We walk though the halls, hearing children singing. And robots beeping with controllers.

As I walk though the room, the other Bluesquard smile and wave. I try to smile but all I can think is about CJ.

"Blessed are the pure in the heart: for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8." says Paul patting my shoulder.

Commander Kellie and the Superkids-FaithWhere stories live. Discover now