1 - Ice Play

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Originally posted on AO3, I decided to start uploading the chapters of my Meta Beasts story here on WattPad as well. I'm not yet sure what the uploading schedule will be but I'm hoping for a chapter each Saturday as my work schedule allows. Once caught up to AO3 uploads, then I will upload as I finish each chapter. Thank you in advance for reading!

Content Warning:

Usage of a cold gun in a sexual situation that leads to very dangerous circumstances. Also, what begins as borderline non-consensual has turned into completely consensual. Contains graphic sex between three adult males. An addiction also appears that causes our primary main char to temporarily lose control of himself.


Chapter 1

-- Ice Play --

3-15, 12-4
You know the place.
Don't be late.
Friday 10:00pm.

Looking over the note for the umteenth time, Barry Allen turned it over in hopes of revealing more information. Sadly, there is nothing on the pristine white piece of paper aside from those words.

Sighing, Barry leaned back in his chair, glancing up at the clock in his forensics lab at the CCPD. It's already 8pm and it's already Friday. He only got the note that afternoon.

Thinking it was odd the note would say Friday instead of tonight, Barry had tracked down the mail circulation guy who claimed he had no idea who sent the note. He had only found it this morning, on the floor, underneath a desk. No telling how long it was there.

Glancing at the note again, Barry wondered if the Friday in question was actually tonight or maybe it was last week. Growling softly, he squinted at the note as he held it up to the light.


Sitting straight up, turning on the desk lamp, Barry held the note near the light. There it was, a tiny sparkle of a blue snowflake inserted in between the two sets of numbers. Whatever those numbers meant.

Frustrated, Barry leaned back in his chair again, staring up at the cloudy sky through the skylight. It's still light out, this being summer. Weather report claims heavy rain tonight.


Startled, Barry sat straight up, spinning his chair around to the voice. Captain Singh stood in the doorway, arms crossed, clearly angry. Well, angrier than usual.

Sighing, wondering what the Captain is going to accuse him of this time, Barry stood up. "Um, yeah? You need something, Captain?"

"Yes, for the electric bill to go down. Damnit, Allen. I can't have you sitting up here all night long accomplishing nothing. Out of the entire building, I don't know how it's possible, but your lab uses up the most voltage."

Okay, this is a new complaint. "Uh, sorry about that, Captain Singh. I guess I hadn't considered the... "

Captain Singh cut him off. "Of course, you didn't, you never think about things like that."

Barry stood rooted to the floor as he watched the Captain run a hand over his eyes, mumbling something he couldn't hear.

"Uh, sir? Is everything okay?"

Captain Singh sighed. "Go home, Allen. That's an order." With that, the Captain turned and left.

Wondering what that was about, and not surprised that the Captain didn't answer his question, Barry proceeded to follow orders. Tapping into the Speed Force, he straightened up the lab, turned off his desk lamp, grabbed his bag and stood at the entry to his lab. He really didn't feel like going home right now.

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