Chapter 12

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For years of fighting  wars,paying the bills or providing the food for the family, he shall grow up a proud man. No matter how tired or stressed out one man never gets to share the emotions for his own good.

You start as a little boy sure we start out weak but with a shove or a kick in the balls that little boy is now a man!

"Pathetic! A wuss!" His dad scolded through his mind while still falling through darkness. It's true Butthead has proven his courage just by protecting his mom but failed! Why can't he just shut up his emotions? A man can't show emotion for he's a wuss!

"Butthead don't give in!" A high pitch voice this time entered in the brunettes mind. He was standing on a bridge over rushing rapids of a fussy river flow.

  "Heh, heh.... heh ....em I thought I find you here." Beavis gently says before walking up the bridge. Butthead was drenched in the rain so was Beavis in which he dared blush seeing such a beautiful sight. "Huh huh huh yeah you guessed." He softly said. "Huh, huh... huh... em remember the time in the desert those two guys well I thought one looked like my old man." Beavis looked with confusion moving his head to a side. "Heh, heh... eeh oh yeah that was a long journey we were going to score with that lady remember?" Butthead cringed remembering he had a thought of a grownup scoring his young teenage self good thing he learned pedophile relationships. Beavis hadn't paid attention to his walking as he was sent over the railing but not for a strong pull of a long arm grabbing his waist as his brunette companion looked at him in the eyes which are wet like his hair!

"I'm so sorry for hurting you I'm a dumbass!" Crushing Beavis in a tight hug not giving a crap how embarrassing this was. "If I known Janet was using me I ...wouldn't blame you for hating me!" Beavis puts his gentle hands over Butthead's sad face before drawing in for a kiss. "He's kissing me oh what should I do?" Butthead thought as his blonde friend removed his lips giving him a little slap. "You never get me to the point in hating you sure you drive me crazy but never in my life I hated you!" Beavis said removing his friends tears with his gentle hands. "You make me laugh and you're charming but I understand your pain I mean you dragged me down and I'm am glad so please come back to me and share our new life?" It stopped raining just for the clouds to part for the sun to shine down over the boys. "Beavis I love you and yes let's start our new butt world! Huh huh huh!" Both boys laughed together before exiting the game.

Daria and Jane wait in the hospital waiting room. Tom pulled his girlfriend into a embrace. "Your wisdom pulled the boys through you should think proud." Daria hides her sad face in her boyfriends chest. "You have the right mind Tom if only I hadn't been so stubborn could've helped more."Jane finished her sketch in time for the nurse to come out to allow her and everyone to see the patients.

"Don't worry about your sex parts these bad boys can help heal." Peggy said to Butthead handing him a bag of drugs. "Pegg don't in courage him my boy it takes time!" Bobby and Hiro rolling their eyes before laughing everyone had a good laugh just as Jane and Daria entered."Well if I don't see the two soldiers ganging such love?" Jane says before setting down some flowers and her sketch next to other gifts. "Heh, heh... heh... eh thanks to you I am famous!" Beavis said but itching his arm cast. "Huh huh huh uh you wuss I killed your mommy I'm more famous!" Butthead said giving Jane a wink. "Now boys have you forgot Janet was already struck by death long a go?" Daria said because she discovered Janet build the game in order for her heart disease to heal from everyone's game energy. "Yes in my country we discovered ways in medicine through gaming some how Janet stole the parts?" Hiro said before walking out with Bobby.

"Dale and his team helped enter the school just in time we must give him our thanks get well boys." Peggy says before heading out with Hank. "The doctor says your health is important don't stay up late boys." Butthead rolled his eyes before changing the television to MTV. "Your not our mother Diarreha! Huh huh uh!" Daria laughing loud before heading out with Jane leaving her two old friends for some rest.

          It's midnight

Beavis had a fear of hospitals since his fathers death. "Want some ice cream?" Beavis asking his dear pale. "For the hundred times it's passed meal time just sleep wuss!" Butthead has had enough excitement. Beavis couldn't help it as he walks over to Butthead's bed and crawling under the covers but Butthead shivering with his friends cold feet on his legs. Beavis has his arms around Butthead now holding him for warmth. "Head sorry I hate hospitals." The blonde said with his breath on Butthead's ear making him wince. "Dude stop being a wuss besides tomorrow we're finally man!" Butthead felt nervous after saying this and just when he was about to sleep also!

       The next morning

Trent playing in his band for the school practice graduation ceremony. Daria and Jane along with the boys enjoyed the music just after rehearsal. "So boys I heard that gang dude had stopped by?" Jane said eating some pizza for the rehearsal lunch. "Huh huh huh uh Todd he's been our idol but I love to hear his stories again." Beavis spat out his drink. "Heh ...heh... heh... can I speak to you alone." The girls got up to leave them. "Heh, heh ...heh dude Todd blew up our home!" Beavis angrily mentions. "But he said was a mistake I had a call from him and-" Beavis got out his arm. "Look dude does this look like an accident?" His bird had so much stress he kept clawing him trying to calm it. "Your bird also Todd had threatened them without you knowing dumbass!" Beavis ran off leaving Butthead alone.

Beavis cried in a stall of the boys restroom. "What's happened had he recalled his thoughts and kept his usual thoughts I thought he could change?" Beavis thought before wiping his tears away but his stall door was pushed open with force and all he last saw was his head in the toilet.

Todd left the boys bathroom with Butthead was what Jane saw and snuck in time to help poor Beavis.

In the nurses office Beavis had removed his best suit and laid on the bed. "Dear someone is here to see you?" The nurse said but Beavis didn't want company right now but felt a kiss on his forehead. It's Butthead looking down to his wet friend. "I'm the true wuss!" Both right then made love from the nurses office room.

Jane walks with Daria home but not before seeing Todd being cuffed on the wrist by some cops. "Butthead had to play dumb in order to capture Todd confession?" Daria says Jane rolled her eyes putting her arm around Daria both had a good laugh and continued walking.

A giggly Beavis kissed his boyfriend on his bruised cheek (Just by showing the cops his camera footage of Todd giving Beavis a swirly and confesses him blowing up their house), as the blonde was being carried by Butthead all the way home.

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