23: S

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" Gigi! Wake up!"

I felt you gently shaking me.

" Why? Is the school on fire?"

I asked without getting up from my armchair.

" No, I'm gonna give you something!"

You excitingly said.

" It's still early."

I uttered without thinking.

" What?"

You clueless asked.

I got up from my sleeping position to face you.

I saw you hiding something from yiur back.

" I bought you gummies because of your gummy smile that I loved so my much."

You showed me a bag of candies, you had a shy smile on your face.

I smiled at you the smile that you loved.

I beckoned you with my hand.

I hugged you around the waist and buried my face in your stomach.

" Thank you but it would be much nicer if you..."

I paused lifting my head, pointing my finger on my cheek.

You shake your head as I pout.

You leaned down, pecking my lips with your soft ones.

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