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I took my boys home and took Yaya to my house.

"That empty space right there on the bar, that's for this year's trophy. Don't even worry about that."

"A little confident, aren't we?" She puts down a toy the 3D view master toy, and puts her hand around the pole

"For good reason. You like the pole?"

"You wish." She points at me and walks over to my side of my room

"What's this?" She picks up my notebook with drawings and looks through it


"These look nice. You did these?" she flips a page over

"Yeah, but it was just me fooling around, though."

"This ain't somebody just fooling around. This is good, Joey."

She places the notebook on the bed, takes off her shoes and sits on my bed next to me.

She flips another page and it's the drawing of her.

"Is this me?"

"Huh?" I say playing dumb

"My mouth is not that big." she playfully hits my arm

She lays downs

"Hey. It's artistic expression. And I'm sensitive about my shit, so I'd appreciate it...Thank you." I snatched the book out her hand

"Cute." She takes it back

"But for real, Joey...you got talent."

"I don't know"

She looks at me

"Like you can't have no talent. Be real with me. Come on. Be real with me. I'm serious." She giggles.

"All right well, when I was younger,every Sunday my dad used to give me the comics out the of Sunday paper...I guess I kind of had this dream that one day I could be the one who drew the comics in the Sunday paper. That's it."

"You still can."

"We'll see"

"I think you should, you good at it"

"Oh, really? Wanna find out what else i'm good at?" I look at her

"Show me" She smiles which showed her dimples.

I kissed her softly, then moved down to her neck leaving her 5 hickies , 3 on one side and 2 on the other.

I go back to her lips and it turns into a make out session.

"Can we?" I stop and look at her.

She nods her head.

(a/n: i'm sorry if this sucks, i'm not good with details about sex.)


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