The mission

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Kenzie's POV

It's so dark here. "Kenzie kenzie kenzie" someone says. I wait for the voice again but it never comes. "Bitch get the fuck up or i'll break
your neck" the says again. I know who it is. It's Marisol my roommate.
I open my eyes to find her standing over me with a sour look on her face. "Look I don't know how you did it but you just managed to get put on a mission with the three hottest guys in the whole system" she says with envie.
"Mr.Blake wants you in his office now"once again with that Envied tone. Just as she finished her sentence the intercom came on " Baby blue I need Baby blue to my office "The intercom said very Loudly .
Marisol started speaking again this time with excitement in her voice"oh no fair you get to go on a mission with Baby blue I wonder what she looks like rumor has it that only MR. Blake has seen her face". She starts up again " well you had better get going or MR.Blake will be pissed like for real " she says. After that she hugs me and walks out of the room shouting a good bye. I then go over to the one issued phone we have in our room and call MR.Blake's office number. After the first five rings he picks up "hello this Blake how can I help you my spy". "Blake it's Baby  blue and I am calling to inform you that I will enter you office soon" I say in a whispered tone in case someone can hear me outside of these paper thin walls. He then starts speaking again but whispering this time "copy that i'll leave the door unlocked" with that he hangs up.


After I get out of the shower I put my white hair in a high ponytail and slip on my cloak then put the hood over my head and leave my room locking the door behind me Marisol would kill me if I left the door unlocked. I begin walk down the hallway to Blake's office. When I get to the office I open the door I am immediately taken a back at how clean Blake's office is because normally it's a pigsty. I see three men standing next to Blake when I enter. Marisol was right they are all very handsome. No one is talking so I start "hi I'm Baby blue and it seems that I'm taking thi"the blonde one cuts me off "we don't need some girl on our team " he says. I'm so surprised no one has ever talked to me like that. So I just stay quiet and hang my head. Then Blake starts talking " I've brought you four here to discuss a mission. You have been hired to go and kill Stacy Victoria. Your plane tickets have been paid for and all you have to do is pack your bags and leave i'll have the hotel your staying at already set so don't worry you're all dismissed except for you Baby blue" he says staring at me.
"Don't worry about him he just doesn't know how pretty you are but you're going to take off your cloak and let everyone see you it's for the best and it's happening " he says with a stern tone.

I am in my room wondering what everyone is going to think when they see my face. I've been here since birth so a lot of people know me without my cloak they just don't know that I'm Baby blue. I've never told anyone my identity and I don't want them to reject me. I feel horrible for hiding something like this from my friends for all these years. Can I have everybody to come to the theater I repeat everybody to the theater. I leave my room with my cloak still on and head to the theater. People clear a path for me as I walk down the hall. I hear whispers everywhere. Their talking about me. I continue to walk and eventually get to the theater to see Mr.Blake waiting at the door for me. He starts speaking "it took you long enough to get here let's go in and get on the stage". We walk to the stage together slowly people start to be quiet as they stare at me. Once we get to the stage he claps his hand very loudly and everyone looks at us. He then starts speaking to them "hello I would like to thank you all for coming here so quickly, right here I have with me Baby blue and she is going to take if her hood and show everybody her beautiful face". I walk up to the center of the stage and slowly pull down my hood and look up. Everybody's jaws just drop they might be surprised by how I look.

Then put in the crowd I hear Marisol yell "what the hell Kenzie" she says sousing surprised

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Then put in the crowd I hear Marisol yell "what the hell Kenzie" she says sousing surprised. I must look so guilty right now. I look at her and mouth out call me later. She nods and turns away. I then turn and leave the stage. As I leave the theater people start whispering about me again and I hear them talk about how this is just a lie and a trick that I'm not the real Baby blue. Oh but I'll show them and everyone else who says I'm not me.

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