Chapter 4 the big gig

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On a Saturday afternoon aka the weekend I was just caking with one the love of my life. We was having a good convo but out of no where she had to go shopping with her momma so I let her slid. I went ahead and called my nigga Jeff seems like some was wrong with the clique. "Aye bro you Gucci Cuz I ain't had nun to do." Ten seconds later he replied "let's rob a store bruh this will make our clique noticed." At first I'm like thinking me and is poor as hell so why not. I asked him "where we gone get the gunns and masks from?" Like always he already ahead of the game. So I hung up got an all black fit packed up and I went to his house. We both was chilling till it hit 9:30. I went for a walk and came back to a red nigga on the couch. "Aye Jeff who the Hell is this bruh?" Jeff said " bro chill man he's our get away driver his name is Steve bra he's mad chill." Well since he said that I guess we can trust him. Steve had a black Ferrari outside and we came out in all black looking like the old tupac gang. We pulled up to a store called Big B's and got out the car. Me And Jeff went inside and shot down the door while Steve stood for look out. Me and Jeff stood at the register and started grabbing 50's 100's and even 20's. When we got done 12 pulled up to the scene we jumped in the whip and slid. Me and Jeff load up the Ak's and started bussin and luckily we got the driver lit up. We got away and snuck into Steve's Brando and split the bread. Everybody had $500 a piece and we was on our way.

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