Chapter one

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I was always told not to walk alone at night because of crazy people but it was okay because i was a black belt so ill be fine.i walked into the store to get snacks so when i go home i could have a movie night til this boy walked in i looked at him then looked away i saw him smile den he walked away i went to pay for my stuff till he said "i got you cutie"-boy "you dont have too"-me "nahh its cool "-boy i told him thanxs then i left after leaving the store i heard that same voice saying heyy wait up.
"Why you walking here alone"-boy "i was leaving from the gym going home,why are u here alone?"-me "it was a lock in for the football team but my name is Michael "-Michael"fun and the names stormie"-me "really?"-Michael"its shyann but i go by stormie"-me "u must be new here"-Michael "yeah i am i just moved her from PR"-me "ouu so ur Hispanic"-Michael "si sinor Michael"-me "whats w all the junk food?"-Michael "movie night im home alone for two months basically the whole summer parents are out of town for business trip i got a car but i like night walks because its nice"-me "dope asf i live w my sister and my brother our dad was never around and mom died last year so everything i do, i do it for her"-Michael "im sorry for ur lost but thats really sweet that you decided everything to her"-me "yeah we loved her she was everything to us"-Michael "if ur sister and brother dont mind u wanna join me in my movie night i could use a friend "-me"dope they wouldnt mind im 17 they wont care ever since mom died all i did was sit in my room ill txt them and say in staying the night at a friends and they'll say okay be safe i love you"-Michael we walked to my house and talked about the schools here and the ppl."wooo u live here"-Michael "yeah its really not much"-me "yes it is ur a billionaire"-Michael "yeah ik but i dont rub it in or nun"-me "i can tell bc first talking to u i though u lived in a normal house like everybody else"-Michael we walked into the house and Michael was suprized bout how tall the celling was and how big it is in the inside i walked him around the house like where the bathroom is the guess rooms my room the kitchen backyard everything"house its really nice"-Michael "thaxs u ready to get this movie night started"-me we went to the movie room and i played the basement it was a crazy ass scary movie. Michael really seemed to enjoyed the movie. "That shits was crazy asf, and the last part like u would never guessed the wife would get her husband killed"-Michael "lol u really loved that movie"-me " man that was a dope ass movie"-Michael "lml while make ur self at home ima go to the sala de Arte"-me "whats that mean?"-Michael " art room its wat i do when im alone but if u need me come find me bc i put headphones in and paint or ill play loud music but have fun."-me Michael went to the gane room and i went to the art room as. When i got there i had so much ideas in my mind that i didnt know what to do first but also the though of Michael ran across my mind like his smile, his laugh he himself was adorable so i thought ill draw what i thought about him. A few hours into painting Michael found me,"hey how was the game room?"-me "it was great but what u painting?"-Michael "its for you ik we just met but like i wanted to do sum for ya bc ur really sweet and there's nun sweet like stitch hugging a Babii duckling in the rain under a pam tree with the spirit wavee like the one in brother bears behind them."-me idk what i did or sum but Michael started to tear up it was really sad so i put down the paintbrushes and hugged him."im sorry but I've never met anybody like you stormie. Ur hella kind ur chill and adorable nobody has really cared bout me the way you do besides my brother and sister."-Michael "im here for you Michael and i will always be here i like you Michael "-me after i told Michael i liked him , he lend in and kissed me it was more then i though i guess .

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