Handwriting (Clare Siobhan)

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A few weeks ago, I was messing around in class, and I started writing down some of Clare's sim's handwriting. Today, I was looking through fonts (cuz thats what i do with mah life) and I went to handwriting. I had an idea to recreate how I imagine more of Clare's sim's handwriting, so here they are.

 I had an idea to recreate how I imagine more of Clare's sim's handwriting, so here they are

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Am I aware that Sammy's looks like a 5 year old?
Do I care?
Also yes, that's just how I imagine his handwriting lol

What do you think? Did I miss any of the broken dream/rtf sims? Any others you want me to do? Lemme know :3

Alright thats it bye :p

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