Chapter Thirteen - Um... Surprise..?

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"y'know, it'd be nice if you'd tell me why you wanted me to open up the skylight..." Mei muttered, watching from a distance as she spoke to Izuku over her earpiece; sat backwards on one of her chairs. A chuckle came through the device.

"If I told 'ya it'd ruin the surprise! Just... keep your distance, like I said..." The girl sighed, giving up on probing her friend for information. It was no use; their conversation had shown her that Izuku could be quite stubborn when he wanted to be- but she knew he meant well; he wanted to surprise her, and she couldn't fault him for that.

Jarvis, however, could fault him for that. The AI had been told they would be flying from the geniuses lab to the Hatsume residence- and that was it. He had not been told that the two of them would be trying to land directly inside of the girl's lab via a skylight. It was times like these that the AI wanted nothing more than to eject Izuku out of the suit mid-flight; he'd have to remind his creator to make ejection a feature in their future suits, if not just for that reason.

"Sir, I must remind you once more how bad of an idea this is. As someone with a Quirk that's whole purpose is making you smarter, I feel like you are not taking advantage of it..." Izuku rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself. They had been flying for around twenty-or-so minutes, being slowed down when the boy had decided to try and fly into the upper atmosphere; something that made Jarvis so angry he almost switched himself off, and also scared the AI in a way he never had been before- especially after the ice incident.

"I said I was sorry buddy! All I can do is promise to make the Mark 3 more resistant to ice build-up, and then make the suit fly faster than this one..."

"Wait, WHAT?!" Both Izuku and Jarvis fell silent. Flicking his eyes down to the right, where the HUD displayed his call to Mei made the boy's Arc Reactor and heart feel like stopping. He had forgotten to mute himself- which could only mean one thing.

"You're flying?!"

The surprise was ruined.

"A-And what do you mean 'Mark 3'?! Ice Build-up?! I-"

"Mei, calm down; I'm fine, don't worry..." Izuku sighed, his gaze floating over the city lights as he felt a cold run through him; in-built heaters be damned.

"I'm going to be arriving in T-60 seconds; I'll explain when I get there..." Cutting the connection on his end, Midoriya sighed. Flying the rest of the trip in silence.

Finally reaching Mei's lab; his new home, Midoriya slowly hovered over to the open piece of roof that had been left for him. It wasn't hard to miss, considering the light from the inside of the lab was being funnelled out of it, and consequently filling the sky. Bringing his feet together and pushing his arms out, just like the boy had done when taking off; Midoriya slowly, little by little, decreased the amount of power he was channelling into the Repulsors, until he began to slowly hover downwards.

After a few seconds, his suit had descended fully into the lab.

"Alright Jarvis, kill the power..." The thrust immediately stopping, Izuku fell the last few centimetres; stumbling ever so slightly as he looked around. The lab was extremely spacious; he bet he could fit at least five of his old lab into this one. There were empty glass tubes lining one wall; the occasional machine scattered around the space, including a few... Scutters? He'd have to ask Mei what they were at some point.

Speaking of Mei...

"I... Izuku?" Now stood a few meters away from him, Mei was looking at the suit with a mix of what could only be described as worry, fear and awe. A small smile appearing on his face, Midoriya lifted his hand up and removed the Mark 2's faceplate; the blue glow of the eyes disappearing to reveal his own, un-glowing, green ones.

Her mouth moved for a few seconds, unable to form some sort of cohesive sentence, before she sighed; effectively collapsing onto the suit before attempting to hug the boy through the metal. Laughing at her actions, and earning himself an indignant pout from her, Midoriya returned the hug; burying his head into the top of Mei's hair.

It was only than that he realised just how much he had actually missed her.

"So, I guess you're going to want an explanation then..." Izuku smirked into her hair as she felt her grip on the suit tighten.

"That can wait... I'm not letting go just yet..." Izuku could most definitely get used to this.

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