Surprised BY Yoongi

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A few days had passed and everything is still the same. Yoongi is still very against the fact that he was being treated as a baby. He was still fighting And yelling. But he couldn't really fight with the drug still running through his veins. Jin and Namjoon, mostly Jin, are getting more excited and cannot wait for the day their baby boy will finally regress into his headspace. But for now, they still had to work. Although, today will be more work then usual.

All four of them, Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, and Jin, have been planning this for a long time. It would have happened the day Yoongi was brought in by Namjoon and Jin. Although, they were still a bit hesitant in the whole idea. So they pushed it back to the next day, then again then again till now one week after the had plan due to them continuously pushing the date back. But today is the day where all the littles are going to meet. Well more like Jungkook and Taehyung are going to meet Yoongi and vise versa.

Right now, it was Yoongis favorite time of the day, nap time. Namjoon and Jin were both relieved when their baby boy had no problem going to sleep. But they had to put a limit. That was because Yoongi slept all day one time and wouldn't wake up for absolutely anything. He hadn't eaten anything at all that day. The next day they didn't let Yoongi have a nap time and he was grumpier then ever. So they decided to extend Yoongis nap time from one hour to two. If Yoongi gets too much sleep he won't wake up but if he gets too little he becomes a little devil.

While Yoongi was taking a nap, Namjoon and Jin, along with Jimin and Hoseok, started cleaning up the house a bit. All of their littles were taking naps and hey want the aftermath of what's bound to happen a bit less of a hassle to clean up afterwards. Jin being the Eomma he 
took charge of what should be cleaned.

And hour had passed and all the boys finished cleaning a little while earlier and are now just waiting for one of them to wake up. But of course the daddies can act as children as well. "50 bucks Yoongi is gonna wake up first" Jimin said placing the fifty down.

"No! Yoongi sleeps like a rock. 50 that Jungkook is the first one to wake up!" Namjoon said placing down another fifty

Jin placed his fifty as well "Taehyung is going to wake up first because Jungkook probably kicked him in his sleep...."

As if on cue. Taehyung started crying "DADDDYY!!!" He yelled out sobbing. Hoseok quickly stood up and ran over to his and Jimins room where Jungkook and Taehyung were taking a nap. The others following behind.

"Oh what happened my little prince why are you crying??" Hoseok said as he was bouncing Taehyung on his hip. Whispering sweet nothings into the boys ear trying to calm the sobbing boy.
"I-I was sle-sleeping and J-Jungkook kick m-me!" Taehyung cried pointing at Jungkook. He had a messy bed head just like his brother. Although Jungkook was rubbing his eyes whining at the noise.

"Jungkook why did you kick your brother?" Jimin said sternly.

"I didn't kick him..." Jungkook said softly with a whiny tone.

"Was Jungkooks eyes closed when he kicked you?" Hoseok asked and Taehyung nodded.

Jin started laughing and grinned cockily and started walking out the room. "Yah!where are you going hyung??" Jimin yelled

"I'm going to get my money!!" Jin yelled as he was already halfway down the stairs. Namjoon smiled softly laughed at his husband

"He made 100 dollars in less than five minuets... Hoseok said surprised.

" Aish just leave him alone he has no other talents.." Jimin said holding out his arm to try and calm Hoseok down.

" What did you just say about your hyung!!" Jin said as he starting stomping up the stairs. Jimin started to panic as he quickly gave Jungkook to Hoseok. Leaving Hoseok with both Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin quickly ran to Yoongis room and locked the door panting. Jimin quickly turned around and saw Yoongi standing up his chin barely peeping above the crib.

"hey Yoongi, how are you doing bud?' Jimin said smiling nervously because of JIn. 

" Who in the actual fuck are you creep!! How the FUCK DID YOU KNOW MY NAME GET OUT OF HERE YOU PSYCHOTIC BASTARD. OR ELSE I WILL CLIMB OUT OF THIS GODDAMN CRIB AND MURDER YOU WITH MY OWN T---" Yoongi was cut off by Jimin shutting the door with his eyes wide open.

"wow...he isn't as physical as Taehyung when he first got here but," Jimin gulped and panted "he sure does have a mouth on him...."

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