Silver Moon

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Glitter P.O.V

   "S0?" Sparkle said. "So, what?" Glitter answered back. "How does it feel to be going to a new school?" Sparkle questioned. "Sams as the last time. It's all just gonna come back to bite me. No one is going to like me and to be honest I kinda gave up already." Glitter sighed. "You would make more friends if you joined the cheer squad. Everyone, even Shimmer joined the cheer squad in our family." She said as Glitter started to tune her out."I don't care! I'm not a girly girl like you guys. I'm not gonna go, five six seven eight who do we appreciate."  She said Imitating a cheerleader. "See honey you're a natural." "Ugh that's...that's just ugh." She said as she stormed out of the room. "Have a good day at school honey." The door slammed shut.

Luna P.O.V

       "Ah shoots I'm gonna be late again for swimming!" Luna shouted to herself. She was just packing her swimsuit when she realized the time was 8:30. Her foster mother, Ms. Coco, did not wake her up on time due to another "special mission" she had today. "Why did I have to get adopted to her?" Luna sighed as she dashed out of the old apartment, hoping her coach would let this one slide.

Tiana P.O.V

          Tiana did not care that she was late today. In fact, most of the time she was late. Right now, she was chasing her dog, Cuddles, because he had ran away with her phone. "I'm gonna get ya! I really am!" Tiana shouted in joy. This was her favorite game to play with her dog. Sometimes, people wonder if she was the dog's pet instead.

Jade P.O.V

     Jade had been calling Tiana all morning but could not reach her. Maybe she's still sleeping. Every one of her friends had been late today. The only person that seemed to show up on time was Jasmine's daughter, Star, and she's 3 months old. The baby shook her head in disappointment as if knowing Jade's pain. She decided to call Yasmine instead because she's always on her phone. "Hello Yasmine? Where is everyone?" Jade asked. However, all she heard was screaming and crying. The baby pointed to the clock. It was 9:00. She just had to go to class without them. Jade was definitely not failing because those guys couldn't keep it together. But still...she decided to turn back around and bring all of them by the neck if she had to. One for all and all for one.

Yasmine P.O.V

"Hello, Jade! There's a monster in my closet!!!! Someone help me! I'm dying!!!! Oh my gosh!" Jade had hung up the phone and now there was no one to save her. The scratching from her closet got louder and louder. How was she supposed to pick an outfit that would help her gain popularity? What if she had to...wear yesterday's outfit!? Yasmine shivered in fear at the thought of being a social outcast. No, she was not gonna go down like that. She took a broom from her small kitchen and pushed open the closet door open. However, all she saw was her cat, Violet. "Aww baby. You were in there the whole time?" She asked sweetly. But the cat ran away as fast she could from her and the closet. "What's wrong with her?" Yasmine thought to herself. Then she realized what the cat had done. All of her Gucci designer clothes was in ruins! Her whole outfit she had planned for today was gone. Jade had called a second time. Yasmine calmly opened her phone and screamed as loud as she could "I'M GONNA KILL MY CAT! IMA RIP THE LITTLE ANIMAL TO SHREDS!" "I'm coming." Jade responded in annoyance.

Glitter P.O.V

         "Oh shrap! Jade called me. I need to call her back." Glitter thought but then looked at the time and saw that she was going to be late. "I don't have time for this crap. I mean for once can I be at school on time." She then runs while trying to call Jade. Not looking where she's going, Glitter bumps into a random guy. She almost falls but he doesn't fail to catch. "Wow are you okay?" He asked with a smile. Glitter looks up and stutters, "Yeah, Yeah I'm.....I'm good. Just...running to school." "Okay. Later" He said as he helps her up and walks off. "Wait I didn't .... I didn't catch your name." Glitter trailed off. He was too far ahead for him to hear her.

Jasmine POV

    "Damn it! Where is Star! I woke up and she's not even in the house. Jasmine said angrily "I swear if her father doesn't start helping out, I'm taking custody." Jasmine tells Gloria. "Don't worry girl I got you and hell I'll whip his ass for you too." She responded laughing. Soon, Jasmine sees a text from Jade, saying that Star had gone to school by herself. With a sigh of relief she walks out while saying bye to Gloria. As she walks into school, she sees Star waiting for her in her stroller. "Now how did you get here before me?" Jasmine inquired her daughter. The baby only giggled cutely while Jasmine picked her up out of her stroller. Walking into class with Star, she received the normal looks of being a teenage mom. Her little accident. Cute little accident but still a sixteen year old accident. "Come on Jazzy, you're not a quitter. You're going to face this school day." She whispers to herself carrying Star with pride. Then, Jasmine hears another text. This one's from Diego. It read "Can't make it tonight. Sorry but I owe you big time" "Fuck you Diego". Jasmine texts. With anger she texts Gloria as well. "I'm sorry but can you watch Star for me tonight? The girls have a party planned for our anniversary of being friends." She pleaded. Gloria replies "Sure thing girl. Just remember to be home by 10:00." Jasmine sighs as she sits down with Star to get ready for the school day.

Hey guys, this is our first story l and this is written by 3 people so myself and my colleagues this is just to get your self acquainted with us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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