Sinbad x Reader

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Its been a few days, since Alibaba, Morgiana, Hakuryuu and Aladdin left Sindria on a trading ship, to achieve their own goals. Alibaba wanted to become a gladiator of Leam, though this is what his teacher Sharrkan put a bug in the young blondes ear. Aladdin wanted to Magnostadt to become better in his magic skills. Morgiana wanted to visit the Dark Continent, to know more of her race, the Fanalis. And Hakuryuu.. well he was about to fight against Kou.

Anyway, Sinbad was really proud of his generals, that they raised his friends so well and decided them a private celebration. By now Sinbad, Sharrkan, Yamraiha, Spartos, Masrur and Ja'far were sitting around a table, drinking wine and eating feast. You are present at the celebration too, because you had a special place in the heart of the young king. As they laughed and spoke about their pupils, you stood slightly away from them on the balcony and watched the stars. For you, the four travellers were important friends too and you were wondering how they were.

As it was so common between two certain generals, it did not stay long in a laughing mood, because Yamraiha and Sharrkan argued, as they discussed about which of their two students created the most progress. Sinbad followed their argue amused, until Masrur intervened with him saying Morgiana had the most progress.

Sinbad stood up from his seat and walked over to you at the balcony. His hand went to your waist as he pressed you gently to his broad side. Then he looked up at the stars too. „You seem to be in thoughts. Why don't you just take a seat and eat with us?", he asked as he nuzzled his nose into your soft (h/c) hair. He loved doing that.

A blissful sigh escaped your lips as you leaned against Sinbad's strong chest. „I am not hungry. Besides, you know I don't like alcohol.", you said. Sinbad chuckled as he placed down his wine glass onto the little table next to him.

„You don't need to eat or drink. Its enough to have you by our side. Then I can hold your hand the whole time and we can exchange meaningful glances.", Sinbad whispered in your ear. You grinned. „Not to forget your 'accidental' touches on my knees.."

Sinbad chuckled low, that made you shiver a bit. „You got me. But you can't say you didn't liked it, because I heard you purr everytime I caress your bare skin.", he said with a huge grin. You blushed and coughed embarrassed.

„That's not true..", you murmured. Sinbads grin widened as his hand travelled from your waist to your tigh, going lower in the process. Your eyes closed instantly and you couldn't stifle the moaned purr that escaped your lips. „Damn.."

Sinbad groaned softly aroused because of your purr and kissed your neck. „Do you know, what those sounds do to me..", he whispered hoarsely. You bit your lower lip to supress more sounds.

It seems you both had forgotten where you were until something hit Sinbad's head – it was a book. „Oi get a room love birds.", Sharrkan said. Ja'far was pale, because he didn't approved those closeness of you two when other people were around. „You heard him.", Sinbad chuckled and dragged you with small protests out of the room.

Prepare for this night to last very long..~

//I am sorry for the wrong story before, it seems wattpad really messed up, because I DID NOT uploaded Dino here..

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