Chapter 1

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Freddy is sound asleep, another superhero dream overtaking his mind. Tonight he dreamed about himself in his Shazam form meeting Batman for the very first time. The two sat in the Batcave and he let out all the questions that have been bugging him for years. Batman answered every question with detail. He was getting so much information. He was happy. Then explosions began emerging in the back. Before he and Batman can escape, the entire floor beneath them exploded. Freddy woke up with a jolt.

Aww, man. That was one of the best dreams ever. He closed his eyes and tried sleeping again, hopefully with the same dream. But then he heard sniffles coming from the top bunk. Was Billy crying?

Freddy didn't know what to do. He wanted to make sure he was alright, but would it be too weird? It wasn't any of his business. But maybe this was important. He made his decision.

"Hey, Billy," he whispered. "Everything okay?"

After a few seconds of silence, Billy whispered back. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Go back to sleep."

"I don't believe you. You can either keep crying and be miserable all night or you can tell me and take it off your shoulders. My offer stands until I fall asleep."

Billy sat up on the bed. He wanted to take the burden off his shoulders. He wanted to talk to someone about it. He was tired of keeping it all inside. It made him miserable, depressed, and angry. Maybe he'd feel better if he talked to Freddy. Freddy is a good listener...maybe. Billy wasn't sure yet.

Billy sighed and started climbing down the ladder. "Fine. I'll talk," he said, trying to make it seem as if he didn't really care that much.

Freddy sat up on the bed and left a spot for Billy to sit. Billy sat next to his brother, but didn't say anything. Freddy waited patiently, knowing that it's a hard and painful thing to explain.

" you remember when you guys found where my mother lived?"



"I wasn't there. I was held hostage with the villain when you guys found that out."

"Right, sorry. Anyway, they found my mom. I was so excited to see her. I've been dreaming of this day since I lost her at the carnival. I knocked on the door, ready to hug her. She rejected me. She didn't want me at all. Not then, not now." Tears started filling his eyes. One fall on his cheek. He wiped it away, but it was too late. Freddy already saw.

"Why didn't she want you? Did she say?"

Billy nodded. "Yeah. She had me at a young age. I remember she was playing darts at the carnival to win me a tiger. I got a compass instead. She only popped one balloon. She told me it was the greatest prize they had. It would help me find my way home. Then we were in a giant crowd. I dropped my compass and let go of her hand to find it. I lost her in the crowd.

"I thought she couldn't find me, and all these years I thought that's all she had been doing. But I was wrong. She wasn't." It was getting harder to talk. He could feel the lump in his throat. "She saw me with the officer...and left me there. She didn't want me. She said she was too young and immature to be able to raise me. I'm such an idiot for even thinking that she wanted me. Those years were a waste of time."

Billy finished telling the story. He wiped away the tears that fell.

Freddy felt bad for the guy. It must be tough to have someone you thought loved you abandon you. To find out the hard way that you were never wanted or loved, that was a real heartbreaker. Freddy put his arm around Billy's shoulders and gave him a side hug.

"You're not an idiot, and those years were not a waste of time. You may have been looking for the wrong thing, but all that searching led you to something you didn't know you needed. It's us. You needed family and that's what we are, no matter how many times you run away."

Billy laughed under his breath. "Open arms, right?"

"Yeah, open arms."


The two foster brothers stayed there for about five minutes.

A thought occurred to Billy. It felt really good to get all that off his chest. He was glad and thankful that Freddy had talked him into it. The burden felt lighter, maybe even completely gone. He wondered if Freddy ever talked about his reason of being a foster kid. Since Freddy listened to him, it's only fair that Billy listens to Freddy.

But before Billy could ask anything, Freddy spoke. "Glad we had this talk, but we should get back to bed. There's school tomorrow."

Freddy was about to lay down until Billy interrupted. "Wait. I want to ask you something."


"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What's your story? How did you become a foster kid?"

Freddy's smile faded and his entire body shook. His skin turned a little pale. There seemed to be a little fear in his eyes, maybe because of the memory? "Um...w-what's there to say? I'm just your average disabled foster kid." Billy thought he heard a slight crack in his voice.

Freddy turned around and faced the wall, avoiding Billy. Billy heard his breathing grow rapid as if he was trying to hold back tears.

He felt guilty for asking, but he wanted to know. Whatever happened haunted the poor kid. "Freddy, I--"

"Goodnight, Billy."

Billy knew that it was the end of the conversation. He wished it wasn't, but he had school tomorrow. It was time to go to bed. Maybe he could try again tomorrow. Just as Freddy helped him, he wanted to help Freddy, no matter how hard he had to shake him.

Billy got up from the bed and started climbing up on his own. "Goodnight, Freddy. Thanks for the talk."

There was no reply. Billy sighed. Tomorrow is another day.

Hi, y'all. Thanks for reading. I hope you guys liked it. I will be putting more chapters soon. Please let me know what you think. God bless you guys!!!!❤❤

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