Dear Parents

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Dear Parents

By: Every human (maybe)

Yes you maybe my parent and all, but you annoy me..if you saw this letter maybe you'll hate me.

You take your time to pick me up when it's like a 100 degress, and up

You tell me to get a life, but when i do you keep me at home to just sit and look at you. Don't you forget that i wanted to go over my friends house that day and you said "NO WAY!".

I know i sound un-greatful, i know i sound mean, but you just annoying ASF!!!.. that did not rhyme..

To think about it if there was no you then there was no me, and I'm AWESOME! as you can see

You talk to me about random things, especially the birds and the bees

So Dear Parents as far as you can see, please just don't leave, but stop bugging me..

I was kinda upset that my dad wouldn't let me go over my friends house, so i wrote this and i guess he read it and like didn't approve of it..I'm gonna stop ranting so you people can move on with your life's

P.S.- read my other stories

What the actual Fuck and Faint-Fics


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