3 - Regrets List

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You will regret
That you made me cry,
That you didn't see me eye to eye,
That you failed to even try.
You will regret, and soon you will know why...

You will regret and miss my presence
When I will be away from you, more like next to a crescent
You will miss me being there, my laughter, and gasp; it won't take you a while...

You will regret...believe me...I don't want you to.
Regrets are something that I don't wish for you

You will regret that you knew me one day.
You will see my picture and wonder how I didn't stay.
You will never see me again, never.
You will regret me today and tomorrow...
Hope you can live well with your sorrow.
You can continue playing with clay, 

Goodbye now,I have to go my way.

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