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I've known I was different from my other faction members ever since I was 13, thats when I stopped planting flower gardens for my faction leaders. I used to climb two or three stories up the wall, when dauntless guards were on break, and just sit there wondering what would happen in the future. But my mother is a concerned woman who always thought id be crazy enough to jump just to see if I could, she was right. I contemplated it, seeing my blonde hair messy in the wind, being free from difficulty, I thought if I jumped I could fly away. My "hideaway" isn't an option ever since my little brother, Miles, thought it would be funny to scare me so is fall off the first story. My faction, Amity, values peace, but in my mind it's just always boring. No changing ever and always "being at peace with our selfs and others". I am not allowed to say hate but if I could it would describe my feelings for this faction, I want to be free, push myself to the limits and be exiting. Truthfully the test is tomorrow and I have no clue were I will belong all I know is I've disappointed my faction, the leaders don't wen visit me anymore and when they do they say, "oh sweet Kristen we know your already gone but just remember if your ever lost, plant us some hydrangea once more". Apparently I have five choices Amity, which is peace (which I need but I don't want to live like this), Abnegation, which is selflessness (I wish I had the power to help everyone), Erudite which is intelligence (and I'm only used to blonde jokes), Candor, or honesty (I'm a great liar), and then Dauntless... The crazy exiting life lots of little kids dream about... Even me, but I'm not a little kid anymore so it's become an obsessive reality. But I cant be dauntless, I cant fight. Actually I've never tried so I don't even know so how could I be accepted in a place like that? I mean it's just not reality.

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