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My head snapped to the side, blood filling my mouth, then I spit on the floor and looked at the men.

"You almost had me fooled, Miss Bianchi. Almost, but you're not as good as your reputation says." He said, grabbing the pliers from the table.

"Tell me who sent you and I'll let you go. Don't tell me and well..." He said and motioned to the pliers. I smirked as he came closer then he stopped when his guard's phone rang.

"Put it on speaker." He said and the guard did as told.


"You're on the dock along the ports, south side. We have men surrounding the entire building, snipers watching you, and that girl is more deadly than you think. Put her on or we take you down." Director Dee commanded and I was given the phone, holding it on my shoulder.


"You're being pulled."

"I'm working, I can't just get yanked out, Director. Besides-"

"Emilia, it's about Nivans and the Redfields." He said and I felt my heart jump.

"Five minutes?" I said and motioned to the guard. He went to take the phone then I bit his hand, breaking his thumb. He screamed as I rolled and hit the other guard with the chair, breaking it on impact. I stood, the wood still tied to my hands, then stabbed the first guard and killed the third. I hit the boss in the head and snapped his neck, grabbing the phone.

"What happened?" I grabbed my weapons then walked out, seeing the soldiers and snipers packing up.

"China happened. A virus broke out, Chris and Piers were sent in, Claire stayed home. Both men came back alive, Piers was infected but we cured him. The house was broken into, they're missing." He said and I slammed the car door, not particularly happy.

"I'll be there."
I walked into the house then saw a big struggle happened, tables were broken, windows shattered, couches overturned. The entire house was destroyed. Even the bedrooms' doors down the hall were broken apart.

"When were they last seen?"

"A week before yesterday. We didn't immediately call you in because we thought we could-" I stopped the rookie with a look then went around, eyeing the damage.

"Claire was taken first, this water glass is surrounded by the least damage. Chris woke up when she screamed, Piers came out to help, they were both overpowered." I said and the rookie looked shocked.

"You can tell all that by the damage?"

"Because I know them, and because of the damage." I said and went to the front, seeing the door was kicked in.

"These were professionals." I whispered and went to my car, driving to HQ. When I got there, I went inside then went to the main room.

"So, what did you get?"

"Claire was taken first, then Chris and Piers. These guys were professionals, they knew what they were doing." I said and looked at the security cameras Chris had at his front and back doors.

"That's them." I said as I saw the team that took them.

"It's Umbrella." Parker whispered when he saw the badge on their arm.

"Dammit. Do you think you can do this, Emilia?" Director Dee asked and I nodded as I saw them dragging out an unconscious Chris, Piers, and Claire.

"They're all going to die for touching my friends." I whispered and went to my house, getting ready to take down the people who once held me captive.

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