Chapter 2

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From my balcony I listened to the vampires scurry around the castle, getting ready for tonights blood offering event to start. And further away, almost to far for my weaker hearing to pick up, was tonights fresh food. They were quiet while they waited for the vampires to show up.

Because there were so many vampires and only a few dozen humans, each human got a handful of vampires who drank from them over the next few nights until the humans died. I was imagining now how each vampire was discussing who they'd like to be with while they shared the same human. I could also imagine how ecstatic they'd be about it. Vampires in this castle went a little blood crazy this time of month. All scurrying around, waiting for a meal and getting excited like human a child would over candy.

Although I never wandered the halls on feeding nights, I knew this all to be true because of the one person I called a friend would act just how I described. Her natural bubbly persona didn't help with that matter. And I knew she was waiting for me down in one of the hallways closest to my tower room that nobody would be frequenting to talk to me about tonight.

While the High Lord would speak to me about tonight and my blood habits, anyone could tell he was demanding that I drank human blood. But bubbly little vampire Amyra only ever suggested that I could use a little human blood to make myself look better. She'd joked about it until she had to leave to go drain some poor human fool. Which was why I liked her so much. She was the only vampire in this damned castle that didnt look at me like I was some abomination on our species.

I mean, I was. I was born human from a vampire and human coupling, than forced to change into a blood drinking being of the eternal night and after that never once went near human blood and hid myself away up in an abandoned tower looking after a mortal human women until she finely died. I was an abomination, But at least Amyra didnt think so.

I had one stop first before I left to see Amyra. I walked out of the stone room, too weak to shadow away like almost every other vampire ever to be created, and took the flight of stairs to my left all the way up until they ended at a doorway covered in runes and spells, keeping everything out of this room except me and one other, a male witch that tended to my mother when I couldnt help her.

The door opened on its own, sensing I was close by. I shuddered at the magic I felt when I walked under the doorframe and into the small round room where there was a large bed placed in the centre. The windows thick curtains were always drawn open so my mother could get the light of the moon and light the sun whenever she wanted. I knew she was afraid of the dark. Afraid of the monsters living beneath her.

Quietly I walked up to the side of the bed and sat down carefully as to not disturb my sleeping mother. I wanted to cry at her appearance. Once upon a time she had been beautiful. Full dark hair that curled all the way down her back. Soft creamy pink skin covered in freckles. Eyes the purest green I'd ever seen. She was absolutely stunning. Now, she was no more than a husk. After I had attacked her and almost killed her she had gotten sick. Because I wasnt a complete vampire I hadn't been able to turn her, but I hadn't killed her either when the High Lord had commanded me to drink her blood after poisoning my drink with his venom so I'd turn into a vampire or die. I didnt have much of a choice, I was turning. A horrifying experience. And I was hungry.

After I had almost kill her, my mother had recovered from the blood loss only to get sick. Her body started to weaken, her hair started to fall out in large heaps and slowly her mind decayed along with her body. She still knew it was me who held her while she was awake, but she never remembered that I wasnt human anymore.

"Who's there?" A whispered voice made me look down to my mothers withered face. Though I was almost crying at seeing her like this, I had been happy to see that her eyes hadn't changed. Eyes that I had inherited as a human and as a vampire. Though the whites of my human eyes had been replaced with the black darkness of a vampire. But my irises was still as vibrant green as hers.

I took hold of her fragile hand when she pulled it from the thick blankets covering her to keep her warm. "Its me. Mother, its Marshall." I spoke softly to her, trying not to frighten her too much.

"Oh, sorry dear, did I fall asleep on you again." She asked quietly.

Back when we were both human she had tended to fall asleep while I read to her when I was little. Shes always apologies when she woke up, just like she did now, assuming I had been reading to her and she had simply fallen asleep.

The memories we shared as mortals always slammed into me when I was with her. While she asked me how I was, what my day was like. Not knowing that I was a heartbeat away from killing myself because of what I did to her and what I was, not knowing that I would never feel the sun warm my pale skin again.

I answered her though as if I had had a great day doing random things outside while talking to the nonexciting friends I had. But her smile soon quickly faded when she finally realised my skin wasn't warm. That my eyes were black like a vampires. And that my once tan freckled skin was now pale and covered in black twisting veins.

"Marshall, what's wrong with you. Why dont you look well?" The sudden fear in her eyes told me she had finally remembered what happened.

And again I watched as she remembered everything. How her eyes would fill with tears as she choked on the sobs crawling up her throat. And finally, when she flinched away from my hand I called Kai forward. A male witch that had a tonic which would send my mother back into a restful sleep and keep her illness from killer her. It was also the reason why she had survived so long. Because I had turned almost eight hundred years ago, and my mortal mother was still here. Still sick. Still dying. But the tonic kept her alive. Kept her here with me just a little bit longer.

I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead, telling her that I loved her still and everything was alright. I was crying silent tears as Kai handed me the tonic, and quicker then my mother could process I had her head titled back and the contents of the tonic flowing down her throat and into her dying body. She had a moment to look surprised before her eyes closed, and she fell asleep. She wouldnt wake up again for another few nights, and again I'll wait until she wakes up and well talk about random things while she doesnt remember, then her mind will clear of the sickness and I'll have to give her the tonic all over again.

"I'll look after her Marshall." Kai said, putting a tan hand covered in rings on my shoulder. If I had to call anyone else a friend I would count Kai as one.

Even in the moonlight his long tied up hair was still a fiery red and his purple eyes shone in the darkness. I had once thought he was attractive, in a cute, small kind of way. His pointed patched hat was too big for his small head and the multi-coloured rags he wore hung off his little body. Anyone could have mistaken him as a young adult, but I knew he was over a thousand years old and much more powerful then most thought he was.

I gave him a slight smile, thanked him for what he was doing to help my mother and then left her room wiping away the tears from my cold cheeks.

(Authors Note:)
- Hello from Skittzerella
This chapter doesn't move the story forward very much, but I thought I needed to add it so we could meet Kai for the first time and Marshall's mother. Though I don't know if I'll be putting her into the story much more often.
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