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jeno looked up when he heard the door open.

it was a chilly and windy day in seoul, the café was empty with only jeno and renjun giggling with each other behind the counter.

jeno and renjun immediately stopped their playful demeanour as the customer walked up to the counter to order.

"hello, i would like a cup of marshmallows in americano," the unknown boy said, smiling widely.

jeno tried to say, 'we don't have marshmallows in americanos though... other shops do?' however, the unknown boy in front of him looked absolutely adorable, that he just couldn't disappoint him with a 'no'.

jeno gave a small smile, his eyes forming crescents "that'll be four dollars, would you like a name on that?"

"jaemin" the unknown boy replied, flashing a bright smile. after jaemin paid, he took a seat at the table and stared out the window.

jeno was quick to admire jaemin, staring at his side profile and analysing his features.

from his fair skin to his bright eyes, small nose and soft lips, he quickly snapped out of his trance and gave renjun and nudge.

"could you give me some marshmallows? i know you have marshmallows with you, you love sweets,"

renjun gave him a small nod and walked into the staff room to retrieve the bag of marshmallows.

jeno added three marshmallows into the americano before announcing, "a drink for jaemin?"

jaemin, who was waiting at the table, got up to get his order.

jeno smiled as he handed him his drink, "have a nice day and enjoy your drink!"

jaemin's eyes sparkled as he took the drink, he looked up at jeno's eyes, "you too!" he said before leaving the café.

jeno turned to renjun, who was giving him a suggestive look, "i think i found someone..." he said, his eye smile forming.

"you definitely did," renjun replied, happy for his friend.

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