Week After

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-Cyrus' POV
I was casually scrolling threw Instapic seeing all of the costume day posts even thought it's been a week. I roll my eyes and throw my phone next to me as I see all the happy smiles and everyone in their own costumes. I still can't believe TJ just ditched me for Kira of all people. I rub my eyes with my palms to try and calm myself down and get these thoughts out of my head. It is what it is and I can't do anything about, TJ and I haven't even talked since. I've seen him a couple of times this week but it was just those awkward half smile "hi"s he would give me and I would just pretend I didn't notice him walking by. I finally hear the door bell ring I jump up happily knowing it was Jonah.

"Hey Cy-guy! Ready to see the meteor shower?!" Jonah eagerly says as his signature Jonah smile radiates off his face. "Of course I am! Everything is already set up in the backyard", I respond with a smile. The sun was still out so Jonah and I passed the time playing ping pong down stairs. It reminded me of TJ but I shrugged it off as I snap out of my thoughts seeing a stressed out Jonah trying a beat me at ping pong. "Hey Jonah you good?" I ask as I see him staring at the Ping pong ball ready to hit it. He's been standing there for what feels like years. "Yeah I am!" He shouts right as he hits the ball. I hit the ball back and he misses it. "Really? I didn't think you would be paying attention" he says as he rolls his eyes and grins in a friendly way. "You thought wrong JB, I'm just... that good" as I shrug my shoulders. "Hey! Maybe we should start heading to the tent the sun is going start setting soon" he says and he puts his paddle down and smiles at me. I nod and we both start walking to the tent getting some snacks for the night.

"I can't believe it was my idea to spend the night outside, in a tent! Who do I think I am?! A Wilderness Explorer?!" I shout as I lean my head back laying down on the floor of the tent.
"What are you talking about?" Jonah asks. "You're Cyrus Goodman member of the Good Hair Crew, Breaker of Grudges, Master of Ever-lasting Friendships!". "I doubt that, but thanks." I say as I reach for the cheese puffs. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked with concern covering his face. "It's not a big deal don't worry about it" I say as I put a cheese puff in my mouth. "How about we not eat our feelings and just tell me what's going on." He says as he grabs the bag from my hand. "Jonah there is nothing wrong. It's not worth talking about." "Hah! So something is going on! Come on CG, it's JB." He says as he pats my shoulder.

"Just costume day, TJ and I were supposed to do a costume together but he bailed on me, with out calling me. It was so embarrassing! It was his idea to do a costume together in the first place. Our friendship is never going to be the same after this."
"That's so weird, why would he bail on a costume idea when it was his idea in the first place? What was his idea anyways?" Jonah asked.
"He wanted to do summer-salt. Its kind of our- I mean it used to be our thing. Obviously it was more important to me then him. I don't even know why I care so much. It's been a week since and I still can't get over it." I say as I grab the cheese puffs from Jonah who was now eating them. "Cy, it's totally okay to be mad for as long as you want. Look at me I was mad at him for years! Literally!" He says and he grabs a cheese puff from the bag that I am now holding. "I don't know why I'm so upset. Andi forgave you easily but yet I'm just still upset at him." "Cyrus...do you like TJ?" I hear Jonah ask. My heart starts beating fast and I got very nervous. "I guess I do. Now that I think about it. my heart does beat fast like it used to when I had a crush on you" I let slip as I immediately cover my mouth in shock.
"It's totally okay Cyrus I'm kind of flattered" he casually says as he pops another cheese puff in his mouth. "Really? You aren't freaked out?" I ask "Why would I be? Feelings are feelings you can't help them. They just are what they are. You can't control them. Just like you can't control the ones for TJ. which is totally okay" Jonah says and he turns to me and smiles. "Wow Jonah, you seem to just keep surprising me." I say in shock. "Thanks" he simply says. "How did you even figure it out? I don't even think Buffy or Andi have." I question him. "After you came out to me at your Grandmother's Shiva I was planning on asking you if you liked anyone. You're my best friend I needed to know!  But once TJ got their and I saw the way you light up when he's around so I got my answer." "Well, can we just keep this between us? Buffy and Andi don't need to know, nothing is going to happen as I'm on the road of getting over him" I say with a small smile. Jonah nods and says, "Of course Cy don't worry. Look the meteor shower is about to start come on!"

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