Chapter 11: Concert (Day 3)

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Jennies's POV

I woke up really early today, or probably I wasn't able to sleep last night. This is the last day of Exo's concert. Tomorrow is their flight going back to Korea.

It's the last time I will see them perform live. Might as well make the most out of it later.

While fixing my hair at the mirror I heard a knock on the door and I immediately look on the balcony door. I've learned my lesson. Haha

I saw Kyungsoo smiling wide at me. "Good morning!!!" He shouted that I can hear him even with the door closed.

I headed to the door and opened it for him. "Morning. You're up early. Why?"

"Let's grab some breakfast at the lobby. I'm starving." He arched his eye brows. "Don't tell me you don't eat breakfast? It's not healthy."

I took his hand and suddenly my hands began shaking so I let go. "Aish. C'mon. Let's go down. Don't give me that look." I wasn't planning on eating breakfast but he's pouting and I can't resist his offer.

Kyungsoo's POV

After 2 days, I can finally get some alone time with her. Last night was an exception because I confessed to her, okay?

As we arrived at the hotel's restaurant to eat our breakfast, I saw some people staring at us. It seems like they recognized me but the problem is, I'm with Jennie. If there is someone who will take a picture of us, she'll be doomed.

Jennie began to walk slowly behind me as the people starts to stare at us. "Uhh. Kyung? On second thought. I think we should just make a room service order. Don't you think?" She said while tugging my shirt.

"You know, that's quite a good idea." I nodded in agreement we both head off to our hotel room. But before we could go out of earshot, I heard someone said.

"Isn't that D.O. from exo? Who is he with?"

"Maybe that's one of the crew from Korea."

"And they're eating breakfast together? Alone?"

"Hmmm. It could be his girlfriend."

"No way. He's the last one out of all the members I can think of dating a girl."

We decided to enter to our own rooms for safety because we don't know if someone followed us. After I entered my room, I immediate headed to Jennie's.

I saw her panting and holding her chest. "I am doomed."

"I'm sorry Jennie." I closed my eyes and massaged my head to cool down a bit. "Why haven't I thought of that." So much for my alone time with her. It's a fail. :/

"No. It's okay. I should've realized too. If it wasn't because you look like a kid who's candy has been stolen earlier. I wouldn't have agreed." She lightly punched my shoulder. I thought she's mad but I saw the smile on her face. "About last night, Kyung."

I cutted her off. "You don't have to rush." I gave her a reassuring smile. "For now, let's just wake the members up and grab a room service for breakfast."

Jennie's POV

Those people really need to give idols some privacy. Aish. If what has happened spread on the internet, I'm dead for sure.

Kyungsoo and I proceed to their rooms to wake the members up. The first one to wake up to their room was Jongdae. Baekhyun gave me a hard time waking him up and he kept murmuring '바보야 찬열!' (Stupid Chanyeol) this guy's mouth never gets tired. Kyungsoo was the one who wake up Sehun, he opened his eyes but closed it again and shifted his position facing back from his hyung. I was the one who wake Chanyeol up.

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