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I'm not broken, I'm ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken maybe you can fix things. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury me.

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HER EMERALD ORBS anxiously focused on the pair that stood before her in the quiet room. Moka didn't know what to make of these people who informed her of where she was. They seemed kind and compassionate, but she was smart enough to realize that "trust" plays a huge role when strangers approach her.

"So, Mister Makarov-" Moka started.

"You can either call me Makarov, or Master. Besides, the mister part makes me sound old." the old man chuckled.

Moka could only sweat-drop, along with the woman. 'That's because you are old.' She shook the thought out of her head before speaking up. "Master Makarov, if you don't mind, I'd like to know the name of the person who brought me here." she explained, slightly moving out of the woman's arms.

"Very well, then. You were found by one of our guild members, Natsu." the old man answered.

"Natsu?" she repeated, wondering if that was the name of her savior. "Is he- or she the one who brought me here?"

"Yes. And just in case you're wondering, he's a boy. Well, a reckless boy for that matter." the master chuckled, before looking at her, his expression turning serious. "But enough about all of that for now. May I ask what your name is, young lady?  I suppose that I can't call you anything else if I do not know of it."

Moka's eyes roamed themselves down to her hands in thought. She didn't know what to call herself, now that she was killed and the inner side of her is alive, with the same name as hers. "M-My name is Moka..."

"Moka...' the woman that was holding her repeated, with fascination and admiration. "That's areally pretty name, you have. My name is Mirajane." the woman named Mirajane smiled. "But you can just call me Mira."

"Mirajane..." Moka repeated, loving the sound of her name. "Yours sounds pretty too...I guess."

Mirajane only giggled. "Why thank you."

"I know exactly where I came from..." Moka answered, twirling around with her thumbs. "But I don't know how I exactly got here."

"You don't know how you got here?" Mira inquired, looking at the girl in her arms confused.

Moka shook her head. "No, I don't. Before they killed me, all I remembered was losing consciousness and waking up in this world, you call Earthland," she explained. "It's kind of complicated to explain, but that's all I can remember."

The master closed his eyes. "I see." There was a long silence before he gave her a big smile. "Then, how would you like to become a new member of Fairy Tail?" Makarov suggested.

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