Chapter Five

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The room was silent now that the young brunet was finally peacefully asleep, a cool flannel upon his forehead. The three prodigiums stared at each other from where they sat, Reborn coddled beside Tsuna, Fon on the only chair and Colonnello sat leant against the front door. The blond turned his gaze to the stack of books beside him and picked one up. "The history of the Colorum plane, kora," he muttered opening the book and flopping through it. He was intrigued, each page filled with neat cursive handwriting until it came to an end on the two hundred and twenty seventh page. He flipped to the back and read what was written, "This book is a detailed explanation of the Colourum using primary and secondary data collected by me, Tsunayoshi Sawada, kora. He's really dedicated to finding out about our plane, isn't he kora?"

There was a small silence between them before Reborn spoke up, "He's extremely dedicated. He's even studied her tree, I've been watching him. By the end of his stay he's always radiating with her power, yet it felt so pure, so much purer than that of her power didn't taint it even a bit." He traced his hand along the younger male's indicate contract, "I've never seen one so itricate before..."

"He's something special..." Fon muttered, standing from where he sat and stretched out his stiff limbs before making his way to the same pile of books Colonnello had picked his from. Fon skimmed through them before settling on a book that startled him, "The book of the Arcobaleno..." The two looked over as he fished the book from the pile, sitting beside the blond and opened it to the first page, "Despite not much being known about the rumoured powerful group, the Arcobaleno, I decided to try and figure out the mystery behind them, who they are and what they do. If I remember correctly, I believe that I had met one of them before, when I was fourteen years old."

"He's seen one of us, kora? But who.... none of us have actually left Colorum..." Colonnello muttered, covering his eyes with his arm.

"We don't know that..." Reborn responded, silently asking for Fon to continue.

"He, I think it's a he but I'll refer to them as they for the moment, was wearing a dark cloak, a purple colour, and had been lurking in the alleyway where I had been left for dead by Kensuke Mochida, my highschool bully. The person had crept upon me, watching me from the shadows. I knew they were there, my intuition was telling me so. I called out, appearing to catch them of guard as their lips were slightly parted as they emerged from the shadows. I sat there in silence, the cloaked figure watching me before walking over, muttering about money for some unknown reason. They picked me up, mindful of my wound that was bleeding horrendously beneath my shirt. As they began to walk a purple sheen covered my view, causing me to see everything in a purple. If I remember correctly it was mist ignis which allows oneself to cast realistic illusions to confuse their opponent. 'What is your name?' The figure asked in a slightly deep voice confirming my thoughts further of assuming that this person was a guy, plus their chest was flat, I'm sorry cloaked figure. 'Tsuna' I had simply responded, my head lulling to the side as they turned a corner, 'What's yours?' They seemed hesitant before answering with a singular word, 'Mammon'. Surprisingly they had placed me outside the hospital, watching over me as nurses and doctors came running out and taking me to surgery quickly. I never saw that cloaked figure again but I could feel them from time to time, as if they were watching over me. Once I entered my family's prestigious school I looked for the name Mammon but nothing came up, but not before I came across the name Viper in a book about the Colorum and the most powerful beings, the Arcobaleno." Fon stared at the book before him before turning gaze to the others.

"He was at that house where you guys were.... you're the Arcobaleno, aren't you?" A slightly hoarse voice called out, startling Reborn out of his stupor and clinging himself on to the younger male, rubbing his face in the man's soft locks.

"Yes.... we are... you don't hate me, right?" Reborn asked in a small voice, fear flashing through his onyx eyes as Tsuna turned to look up to him, removing the raven's fedora before stroking his hair.

"I could never hate you or the Arcobaleno... You've all helped me one way or another," Tsuna whispered towards the ceiling, directing it to all of them. The moment was ruined by Reborn biting Tsuna's ear, blood trickling from the puncture wound.

"R-Reborn?" He asked out as Fon and Colonnello stood to attention, disbelief written, as clear as day, upon their faces.

"He took primus sanguis..." Fon muttered.

"W-What does that mean?" The brunet asked as the raven lifted and curled into the younger male

"It means he's taken first blood, wants you...."

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