Espera shot up when she woke. It was a new morning, a new day of doing whatever Evistel told her to. She got out of bed and opened her wardrobe, she was about to grab some clothes but was interupted by her own high pitched screech. Inside her closet was the infamous little candle boy, Cinder, gazing mischeviously back at her.
He giggled, "I got you! I got you!"
Espera smiled and rolled her eyes, she pulled him into her warm chest: Hugging him tightly but kindly with her six arms. Cinder smiled, hugging her back. They were best friends, and the only two who actually got along. Cinder buried his round face in her purple hair. "Come on now," Espera smiled. "We have to get dressed and start working." She sat him down on her bed and reached into her closet to grab her uniform.
Cinder sat on her bed and swung his legs. Espera didn't mind him watching her get changed because for one, he was six years old and two, he was almost completely blind. If someone was to turn the lights off in a room at night, you would still be able to see things but barely and they're hard to properly make out: That's what Cinder sees 24/7. So of course, he could see her but only slightly and she didn't mind. After all, she acted almost like a mother or big sister to him.
Once Espera was done with getting changed she closed her closet, Cinder jumped off of her bed. Espera held his hand as she left her room with him. They entered the main room to see Evistel doing the usual, painting his nails and chatting endlessly.
"Oh hey!" Evistel said in his usual cheery tone when he spotted them, it was decieving for sure. We've got a month or so off so enjoy it while you can!" He smiled, finishing up his nails. "But don't ruin anything for me unless you want a dent in your head, and trust me hun, it isn't a cute look." His face darkened as his true nature showed through. "Anyway, bye!" He waved, shooing the two away.
"Well then!" Cinder smiled excitedly, "Let's play!" He sung as he skipped cheerfully towards his room, dragging Espera along with him.
To Be Continued