Chapter 3

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I decided to keep eating disregarding Ela's actions when I overheard Tachanka making jokes about us, but no one really laughed because his jokes were overdone and worn out by how many times he had used them in the already short amount of time I had been here, "they've been getting a bit too close don't ya say kapkan, eh" he said, also "I don't know how he hasn't gotten further with her yet, she did say that she wanted someone to 'be with her.'" That last one stuck with me, had she said that, and if she did, i might want to try to go for her. I started to look at Ela not knowing if it was true or Tachanka as merely messing with me but before I could say anything to her she turned her head away. I knew she must have heard Tachanka. I looked over and saw a couple of the spetsnaz staring at us and a few others taking quick glances. After seeing this i quickly hopped up from my seat and took my tray to the kitchen, once I had my plate down I raced out of the canteen and to my dorm, picked up the books ela gave me, and started reading.

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