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Hey! I'm Bella just a normal teen with a normal life.
And Being a complete FAN GIRL! Over the BEST band! WHY DONT WE!
Anyway I'm 16 and live in New York. My birthday is on Zach Herrons birthday!
a.k.a May-27! There going on tour on my birthday in NEW YORK!! I asked my parents if I can go. And they said, " YES."
I swear it's the best day of my life!!!
But I have one MAJOR secret I have a HUGE crush on Zach.
And if you don't know who Zach is then there is something wrong with you, and it is not my job to fix you. JK!!!
I mean like any Fan of Why don't we  is clearly a limelight. Well that basically sums up me. Now I better go finish my homework or I won't branle to see them tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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