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Hester wove her way through the streets.

She could sense her demon as it picked pockets and stole from different booths.

She heard curses and shouts, but she just kept her head down and walked down the streets.

The demon sunk into her neck and she snatched onto the apple, bringing it to her mouth.

Just as she went to take a bite, she heard whimpering.

She looked down and saw two children huddled by their mother.

They were malnourished and wouldn't survive the next week if their downtrodden demeanor and terrible, ripped clothing was indicative of anything.

They clearly had no money.

Hester's stomach grumbled and she growled.

She wasn't a good person, not in any sense of the word, but she wasn't an evil enough person to watch children starve.

She tossed the apple down and the child caught it, looking up at her with awe.

She strode off, her head down, before she could hear any of their gratitude.

She was headed home, she could go a night without eating, she'd done it before, when she heard a woman growling at a nearby booth owner.

She looked up and saw the owner holding her by the wrist and trying to drag her forward.

Hester didn't know why she did what she did, she really couldn't care less about other people you see, but she hurried forward, putting herself between the girl and the salesman.

"Hey, hey, hey, why don't we all calm down?"

"He was going to let those children starve!"

She glanced at the woman she was helping and froze for a moment.

She had pale skin, paler than she had ever imagined possible, and bright blood red eyes. Her voice was gravelly and more than a bit raspy, but not the kind of raspy you got from a cold. Her voice was just naturally that way. She had stringy white hair that hung a fair ways down her shoulders that was the same color as her skin.

Hester shook her head and looked away, staring at the man in front of her.

"She took the bread without paying!" he roared.

She turned to the beautiful girl.


That wasn't important right now.

"Do you have any money?" Hester whispered.

The girl shook her head, still glaring at the man in front of her.

"Do you trust me?" Hester muttered.

The, beautiful, girl stared at her for a long moment.

She looked her up and down for the duration of said moment, taking in her scraggly clothes, unkempt hair, and large red tattoo.


Hester grinned and spun to face the man.

In her hand glinted a beautiful bone white bracelet.

"Here, I am sure this will be payment enough."

"That's my bracelet!" the girl cried.

Hester tossed a piece of bread at the man and gave him a quick hug before leading the other girl away by the hand.

"He has my bracelet-"

"You mean this bracelet?"

Hester dangled the very same red bracelet in front of the other girl's face.

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