Chapter 50

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Erik had been driving himself wild with thoughts of Rosaline over the past week and a half. Ever since his troubled conversation with her, he felt completely and utterly helpless at the fact that he couldn't change her mind into wanting to see him sooner. He had promised to give her as much time as she needed, but he never realised just how long he would have to wait for her to reach out to him. Erik hadn't known that ten days could feel so unexplainably long and draining. Coupled with the fact that he still hadn't returned to work, every minute of every day that he spent thinking about her was pure torture. He wish there were an alternative solution to feeling this defenceless and weak against his undying feelings for Rosaline, but the truth was, he couldn't because he would always love her, even if she could no longer love him. It terrified him to think of the possibility that there would come a day in the near future when she would simply give up on him. He couldn't stand the idea of that happening, much less allow himself to believe that there was any truth to it. So instead of continuing to brood within the safe confines of his home, he would take the initiative to go and visit her during work hours, even if it was his least intelligent attempt at winning her affections. Because at this point, any attempt at seeing Rosaline was better than waiting around for his phone to ring.

Rather than seeking out Mr. Arnold to drive Erik to Panorama Elementary, Erik hastily made the decision to drive himself. Before leaving however, he did consider his appearance, upon acknowledging that this would be the very first time since Rosaline's birthday that they would be seeing each other. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't incredibly anxious and somewhat emotionally frazzled, because in reality that is exactly how he felt. He had even changed shirts four times, before finally selecting a crisp blue one to wear that he thought would compliment his eyes. After scurrying around his house some more, he inevitably made his way towards his garage and stepped inside his Audi. Turning the key in the ignition, he took a much needed breath before speeding out of his driveway.

In little to no time at all, Erik had arrived and was currently parked inside the school's guest parking bay. He honestly couldn't believe where he was nor how close, yet how far he felt from Rosaline. Despite his confidence back home, he wasn't entirely sure he felt the same anymore. What if Rosaline was appalled by his presence and didn't want to speak with him? What if she felt that Erik was pressuring her into seeing him sooner than expected? Or perhaps, what if she declared it was over between them once and for all? Erik could hardly process each of these outcomes without suffering from mild chest pains, closest to his heart. He didn't want to accept any outcome that didn't involve Rosaline running back into his arms willingly, but alas, Erik knew that no matter how much he hoped, or dreamed or prayed, life had a way of moving forward and it didn't wait for anyone to try and catch up.

Locking his car, Erik followed the paved path that led him to the administration building. Although he had been at the school a handful of times, this particular occasion was unlike any other he had previously encountered. After speaking with the receptionist and convincing her of some lie about scheduling an impromptu visit to Miss Covault's classroom, Erik was whisked away by a student messenger.
With every step he took, Erik couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, especially when it was revealed to him only minutes ago that he wouldn't be meeting Rosaline in her classroom. Instead, he would find her in a meeting room, as she was currently finishing up a programming session with a fellow colleague. Thanking the student messenger with a brief smile, Erik braced himself upon hearing the sweet symphony of Rosaline's laugh echo through the door. As quick as a warmth of adrenaline hit him, an icy and electric rush soon followed. Erik's eyebrows were furrowed in anguish as he opened the door and spotted Rosaline laughing alongside a tall, young man whom he assumed was also a school teacher. Within seconds of seeing Rosaline standing beside another man, laughing no less, Erik felt his heart sink into the floor in which he was standing on. It seemed as though Rosaline was as equally shocked by Erik's abrupt entrance that she snapped her mouth shut as soon as she realised that it was him who had waltzed in through the door. Fuelled by his obvious fury, Erik wasted no time in walking over to them and introducing himself to the stranger.

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