Chapter 3

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I recommend you to watch the stitches freakout video, the chapter will make more sense.

*After Nash finishes pouring food on Cam*

Bethany's POV:

The video was going really well. We just finished Nash's video and were now getting ready to film Cameron's.

Mahogany and I were behind them handing them the ingredients they were going to use.

Nash's video was really funny and made a huge mess. There were rappers, metal cans, and cardboard all over the room.

Now onto Cameron's video.

He started asking Nash questions, Nash would get them wrong and he would pour the food/item all over him.

After he poured the litter on Nash he stepped back onto a tin can and apparently cut his foot.

"Ahhh bro I need stitches... Call 9-1-fucking-1 Do you not see my fucking leg."

With that Mahogany called the ambulance and they were on their way.

When they showed up Cameron's foot was still bleeding and since Nash was taking a shower Cameron needed someone to go to the hospital with. Mahogany was cleaning up, so I decided to join him.

*At the hospital before Nash gets there*

Bethany's POV:

He decided he could add this to the video, so I was filming for him.

"Wow you're really good at not panicking!" I told him sarcastically.

"Shut up! Like you've never overreacted before." he responded.

" I actually this one time, I was learning how to ride my bike and I fell, nothing happened to me I was fine, but I started screaming and crying." I said.

After that we kept talking and realised we had a lot in common. We then exchanged numbers. I forgot we were filming... Oh well too late now, so I just stopped recording and we kept talking.

They finished stitching him up and by then we had learned a lot about each other, he was very funny too.



This chapter goes out to Michelle Carillo, aka the one who asked for an update, hope you enjoyed it Michelle.

By the way if you guys ever feel like I should update comment and tell me I will most likely update.

<✌️out flawless fangirls😉>

October 3, 2014

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