I woke up 6 feet underground

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Izuku's PoV

The moment I woke up I realized that something was wrong. I opened my eyes but it seemed that it didn't help as much seeing that it was pitch black. Panic started to take over me and bit by bit I felt myself losing breath. I was inside an enclosure awfully similar to a coffin.

With one strong kick I was able to break the lid. More like shattered it into splinters. I didn't even need to summon One for All. Was I always that strong? I shook myself out of my thoughts. There was stuff that fell on my when I broke the enclosure and lid.

Well, I couldn't really see because of the darkness but I was pretty sure it was soil.

And I was also pretty sure that I was buried alive.

I dug as quickly as I can using my bare hands just to get out of this hell hole. I reached up and felt air. I slowly pulled myself and was once again on the ground.

I found myself in a cemetery. I realized it was probably late at night or too early in the morning because it was pretty dark, but the light posts are enough for me to make out the details. I saw my name engraved on a tombstone.

"Izuku Midoriya, a loving son, a good friend and a brave hero. 2003-2019"

I was shocked. How can they bury me alive? Was it an accident? Did they think I was really dead? Well that couldn't be since I'm standing right here in front of my grave. How would mom react if she saw that I was alive? I bet she would be so stoked if I, her supposed to be dead son would stand in front of her.

I stopped myself when I realized I was mumbling and blushed. Good thing no one was around.

I stood up from my crouching position and walked. I didn't know where I was but my will to go home and see my mom took me exactly where I wanted to be.


I walked up to our apartment and knocked on the door. I wasn't sure if my mom would answer because it was probably around 3:00 am. All the lights are closed so I checked if I had the right apartment and knocked again. This time I heard footsteps approaching me from the inside.

The door opened and my mother peered behind the door. Her eyes widened and her mouth hanged open.

"H-hi mom. I'm home..?"

I thought it was because she was so surprised and happy to see me again but my guess was wrong.

My mother started to scream and cry at the same time. She slammed the door and ran back inside.

"M-mom i-it's me I-izuku!!" I called.

I pounded my knuckles on the door again. This time one of our neighbors went out in the hallway to confront me.

"Excuse me boy, but it's 3 in the morning. Could you keep the noise down and let me sle-" He stopped talking as soon as he saw my face.


He stared at me with the same wide eyes as my mother.

"I-it can't be...y-you...you d-died!"

"M-mr. Ronaldo! It's really me, I-i'm alive see!" I went to prove it and touched his arm.

He literally froze for a few seconds before looking at my hand. "Your hands are cold..."

He frowned and took my wrist. I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what the man was doing.

He looked back up at me and said. "Y-you have no pulse..."

"W-what do you mean I h-have no pulse?"

"I-izuku, you're dead."

"T-that can't be..."

"I'm sorry Izuku...you really did die. I even went to your funeral."

"B-but i'm right h-here! Y-you can see me RiGht?!? You can t-touch m-me, I couldn't be dead Mr. Ronaldo!"

"Calm down Izuku. There must be an explanation for this. Just c-calm down okay?"

He rubbed small circles on my back in attempt to calm my nerves down. It surprisingly worked. Once my breathing went back to normal he started talking again.

"Why don't we get inside. I'm gonna help you figure this out okay?"

"T-thank y-you Mr. R-ronaldo, sir"

He guided me to his apartment that was right next to ours. Once we were inside, he told me to sit on the couch while he gets me a glass of water.

"So...what do you think caused this Izuku?" he said as he hands me the glass.

"I'm not sure..." I started fiddling with my fingers, trying to keep my hands from shaking.

"Then how about you tell me everything you remember, we'll work this out Izuku."

"A-alright then..."

3rd Person's PoV

Izuku finished telling the man about his night. From waking up to ending up outside his mother's apartment.

"You see Izuku..." The man opened his mouth but words failed to pour out. He shuts his eyes, not being able to bear the look on the boy's innocent eyes. But he had to tell him now.

"You died..."

Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"But you didn't die alone."

The boy's eyes widened and his hands now started to shake real bad.


"All Might"

That was horrible lol. I just realized that the 3rd person was better than Izuku's PoV. What do you think?

Would the next chapter be written in Izuku's PoV or in the 3rd Person's?

Who am I even asking...like anyone would read this. But still. Just in case anyone would scroll through this. I'll write the next chapter once someone replied.

If no one did...I'd still write it anyway.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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