Chapter 1 (Part 2)~

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???'s POV

I stepped into the glorious Nether portal and watched as I instantly was taken to the Nether, or should I say Hell, as most call it.

Lava surrounded the room and took up most of the area. Unfortunately, I'm stupid enough not to bring a fire resistance potion. Some of you may think it's not that big of a deal because you'll just respawn, but it's not me I'm worried about, it's-

"Hey! What the hell!?" I yell.

A small Ghast was in front of me. It wasn't shooting fireballs or flying around. In fact it wasn't even moving. I studied the petite Ghast that was probably the size of my head, so I'm assuming its a child or baby. It was laying on the ground almost as if frozen, so I reckon it's harmless. I mean, well, it's not everyday that you see such a tiny Ghast that's probably unconscious. But, then again, it's not everyday that you go to the Nether either.

I stared at the Ghast. It's useless.

As a baby, it wouldn't drop any good items, and it couldn't even be a slave or ally because I can tell that this little guy wouldn't even hurt a fly. I lifted my leg up slowly, aiming my foot to kick the Ghast into the lava for fun, I mean well, it's just a mindless Ghast right?


"W-wait" I heard an almost inaudible voice croak out.

"Who said that!?" I yelled immediately. Cautious of someone to spot me.

I was looking in the distance, then all of a sudden, I see blur of white!

"W-wha?" I was stuttering and almost stumbling. I look like a fool rather than a cloaked ninja-looking man.

"Hiya!" Cheered an enthusiastic voice. I blinked a couple of times until my eyes went back into focus. Right in front of me, was the same Ghast that I was about to kill. The Ghast was now zipping through the air making beelines.

"Yippee!!" It squealed. I was shell shocked by three things.

1. It caught me off guard and it might possibly attack me.

2. It was on the floor in a life endangering state and suddenly full of energy.

3. It can fucking speak English.

"You... You can talk?" I nervously asked. (((yes very clichè, i know)))

The Ghast stopped flying and was now hovering to me at eye level. It scowled and looked at me.

"You're about to kick me into the lava and kill me, when I fly and cheer for not dying, then the first thing you say is..." The Ghast yelled in one breath, it then took one big, deep breath and looked at me in the eye. I think I saw a glance of cheekiness for a second? I shrugged it off. The Ghast started taking, but in a perfect mimic of my voice. "You... You can talk?" It said.

I was overwhelmed by its abilities. Quick recovery, ability to speak AND able to mimic correctly.

I think I just found my new pet.

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